
2023-09-12 05:20:57 作者:蒲公英っ落在指尖

我使用谷歌驱动器制作一个记事本应用程序。每当用户创建的应用程序文件,它也创造了文件谷歌驱动器。而且用户可以输入文字并保存文件时,未保存的文本将得到承诺只要网络连接。我使用的管理更新和创建进程的应用程序中的 DriveId

I am making a notepad app using Google Drive. Whenever user creates a file in the app, it also creates a file in the Google Drive. And user can enter the text and save the file, the unsaved text will get committed whenever the internet is available. I am managing the update and create processes within the app using the DriveId.

如果用户想使用我的应用程序使用的替代设备中的文件,对于我也有叫选项 DriveId进口。通过点击选项 DriveId进口用户将被提示进入现有的 DriveId 输入框。使用 DriveId 我想打开的文件,但它给了一个错误。

If the user wants to use the files with the alternative device using my app, for that I also have the option called DriveId import. By clicking the option DriveId import user will be prompted with the input box for entering the existing DriveId. Using the DriveId I thought of opening the files, But it was giving an error.

然后,我看到了在这个SO其中明确表示, DriveId 只能用于内部应用程序和设备而创建的文件。

Then I saw an answer given in this SO which clearly says DriveId can be used only inside the app and device which created the file.

我还发现,像我这样一个类似的问题在这里SO但我不能让我的问题解决了。使用 result.getDriveFolder()我已经采取RESOURCEID。getDriveId()。getResourceId()

I also found a similar question like mine in here SO But I can’t get my problem solved. I have taken ResourceId using result.getDriveFolder().getDriveId().getResourceId()

如何读取数据的编程方式使用的ResourceID?正如上面的回答here我不想改变轨道,进入驱动器REST API 。 有没有办法,我可以通过读取数据的方式谷歌驱动器的Andr​​oid API ?我已经做了所有的开发过程中,但在结尾的时候我试着从它给错误其它设备访问。完全来袭。

How to read the data’s programmatically using the ResourceID? As said in the above answer here I don’t want to change the track and go into Drive REST API. Is there a way that I can read the data using Google Drive Android API ? I have done all the development process, but in the ending when I try to access from other device it is giving the error. Totally struck.

如果我只能通过读取数据 REST API 任何简单的code将AP preciated。提前致谢。

If I can only read the data using REST API any simple code will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


终于解决了DriveId问题没有REST API。

要获得 DriveId 的替代设备。您将需要RESOURCEID。您可以使用下面code: -

To get DriveId on the alternative device. You will need resourceId. You can use following code:-

String resourseId = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" 


private ResultCallBack<DriveApi.DriveResult> idCallBack = new ResultCallback<DriveApi.DriveIdResult>() {
    public void onResult(DriveApi.DriveIdResult driveIdResult) {

    DriveId id = driveIdResult.getDriveId(); //Here you go :)
