试图建立Amazon S3的文件系统中的Apache下议院VFS在java中下议院、文件系统、Amazon、java

2023-09-12 23:36:31 作者:Aom’心若相思

我想使用 VFS S3 的一个插件的阿帕奇共享VFS 获得的亚马逊S3 。

I'm trying to use VFS S3 a plugin for the Apache Commons VFS for Amazon S3.

我已经包含了罐子,它认识到 S3 模式。

I've included the jar and it's recognising the s3 schema.


However when I try to open a file (which is public, I can open it on my web browser), I get this error:

Could not create a file system manager of class "org.apache.commons.vfs.impl.StandardFileSystemManager".
>> org.apache.commons.vfs.VFS.createManager(VFS.java:93)
>> org.apache.commons.vfs.VFS.getManager(VFS.java:47)


What should I do?



I've fixed this myself another way. Turns out that library depends on some other java libraries (like log4j from apache and jets3t from amazon). It just wasn't giving a helpful error message at all.