
2023-09-12 01:20:07 作者:听灵魂诉说

我是新来的Andr​​oid和现在用的是 Ical4j 库解析ICS(Outlook日历)文件。

I am new to Android and am using the Ical4j library for parsing ICS (Outlook calendar) files.


However, when I build my application in Eclipse, the following warning appears many times in the console:

[2010-07-22十五点58分31秒 - 谷歌日历上传]警告:忽略InnerClasses属性为不附带关联EnclosingMethod属性的匿名内部类。 (这个类是由一个破碎的编译器可能产生的。)

[2010-07-22 15:58:31 - Google Calendar Upload] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class that doesn't come with an associated EnclosingMethod attribute. (This class was probably produced by a broken compiler.)


Which implications does this have? How can I resolve this?



This is quite common when including jar files. Although the warning isn't anything to worry about if you are just using the API normally, you should be able to get rid of them by compiling ical4j yourself from source within Eclipse (either build a new jar, or just drop the source into your own source folder). Though I should stress that unless you actually get problems, this isn't something to worry about.