
2023-09-12 00:43:17 作者:再撸剁手#


This week I've been learning all about ContentProvider and using the SQLiteOpenHelper class to manage the creation and upgrading of the database inside of a provider. Specifically, I've been reading through the NotePad example from the sdk's samples directory.


Now, I can see that SQLiteOpenHelper has a close() method. I'm aware that leaving idle databases open is bad practice and can cause memory leaks and whatnot (unless this discussion is headed in the right direction). If I were using the class in an Activity, then I would simply call close() in the onDestroy() method, but as far as I know, ContentProvider does not have the same life cycle that activities do. The code for NotePad never seems to call close(), so I would like to assume that it is handled by SQLiteOpenHelper or some other piece of the puzzle, but I'd really like to know for sure. I don't really trust the sample code that much, either...


Question summary: When should we close the database in a provider, if at all?


据到戴安Hackborn 的(Android框架工程师)没有必要在一个内容提供者关闭该数据库。

According to Dianne Hackborn (Android framework engineer) there is no need to close the database in a content provider.

在创建它的宿主进程时,内容供应商创建,   仍然围绕只要过程做,所以没有必要   关闭数据库 - 它会得到闭合为核心的一部份   清理过程中的资源时,进程被终止。

A content provider is created when its hosting process is created, and remains around for as long as the process does, so there is no need to close the database -- it will get closed as part of the kernel cleaning up the process's resources when the process is killed.


Thanks @bigstones for pointing this out.
