
2023-09-11 04:34:03 作者:人潮拥挤我牵着你

比方说,我保持事件的数据库,这可能是从一个企业的运作时间在每周安排任何东西(周一至周五:10 00-19:00,周六:12 PM-6PM,太阳:关闭)每月事件(艺术博览会,每一个星期六,上午10点 - 下午5点),以每年一度的盛事(圣诞夜慈善晚宴,7 PM-9PM)

Let's say I'm maintaining a database of events, which could be anything from the weekly schedule of a business's operating hours (Monday-Friday: 10AM-7PM, Sat: 12PM-6PM, Sun: Closed) to monthly events (Art fair, every first Saturday, from 10AM - 5PM) to an annual event (Christmas Eve charity dinner, 7PM-9PM)

在理想情况下,我愿与任何一天查询数据库,说: 周四,2012年1月12日,下午12点

In an ideal situation, I would like to query the database with any given day, say: Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012, 12PM


...and find all events that are occurring on:

常规周四中午(如业务是开放的) 第二个星期四(艺术博览会) 一月12,特别是(呃......土库曼斯坦阵亡将士纪念日)


I suppose there's no point in talking about the query construction without first thinking how such dates/times would be stored in a database.


I can't think of how the concept of regular weekly operating hours (even ignoring edge cases) could be modeled in a one-record, single field that would also model a once-every-year event. At the very least, it seems like I would need at least five fields:

启动时间 持续时间 在日的一周中(例如星期一星期二等) 可选绝对的年度日期(例如,5月8日) 可选每月发生(第四星期三)


And I'm guessing there's no way to encapsulate this in a single row, right? For example, a business open every weekday would have five records.


And the end goal is to be able to do a relatively elegant query that could find all event-records which contain a given moment in their timeframe.


不知道你是专门要求数据库管理系统无关的解决方案,反正在PostgreSQL的(我认为这是可能的,在大多数RDBMS),您可以存储时间戳和获得很多信息了出来: http://www.postgresql.org /docs/8.4/interactive/functions-datetime.html 。

Not sure if you are asking specifically for a dbms-agnostic solution, anyway in postgresql (and I think it's possible in most RDBMS) you can store Timestamps and get a lot of info out of them: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/interactive/functions-datetime.html.



9.9.1. EXTRACT, date_part

提取物(场源文件)将提取函数获取子场   比如年或者小时,从日期/时间值。源必须是一个值   timestamp类型,时间或间隔EX pression。 (出$ P $型pssions   日期转换为timestamp,因此可以使用。)场   是一个标识符或字符串,选择什么领域,从萃取   来源值。 extract函数返回double类型的值   precision。以下是有效的字段名:[...]天,DOW(星期),DOY(年日),[...]

EXTRACT(field FROM source) The extract function retrieves subfields such as year or hour from date/time values. source must be a value expression of type timestamp, time, or interval. (Expressions of type date are cast to timestamp and can therefore be used as well.) field is an identifier or string that selects what field to extract from the source value. The extract function returns values of type double precision. The following are valid field names: [...] day, DOW (day of week), DOY (day of year), [...]


So for instance, to select events occurring each 2nd Thursday you could write:

SELECT * FROM events  #your table
    WHERE EXTRACT(DOW FROM date_column)=4 # DOW  goes from sunday (0) to saturday (6)
    AND EXTRACT(DAY FROM date_column)>7 # must occurr after 7th day of the month (ie. if the 1st is a Thursday
    AND EXTRACT(DAY FROM date_column)<15 # and before the 15th (ie. if the 1st is a Friday, so the first Thursday is on the 7th, and the second is on the 14th)


To model duration you may simply have 2 timestamp fields, for the start/end of the event.


Also note that you can add or subtract timestamps, as well as know if intervals overlap.


In general, I would first try to use datatypes and functions provided by your DBMS, and only if you cannot really find a solution try to model it yourself.