
2023-09-12 00:22:38 作者:佛系小可爱


I am trying to follow the Android mapping tutorial and got to this part where I had to get an API key.

我发现我的 debug.keystore 但不会出现在目录中的密钥工具应用程序:

I have found my debug.keystore but there does not appear to be a keytool application in the directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\tward\\.android>ls
adb_usb.ini      avd       debug.keystore  repositories.cfg androidtool.cfg  ddms.cfg  default.keyset


AdbWinApi.dll     apkbuilder.bat       etc1tool.exe         mksdcard.exe
AdbWinUsbApi.dll  ddms.bat             fastboot.exe         source.properties
Jet               dmtracedump.exe      hierarchyviewer.bat  sqlite3.exe
NOTICE.txt        draw9patch.bat       hprof-conv.exe       traceview.bat
adb.exe           emulator.exe         layoutopt.bat        zipalign.exe
android.bat       emulator_NOTICE.txt  lib

我使用的的Eclipse 的是我的编辑,相信我已经下载了所有最新的SDK。

I am using Eclipse as my editor and believe that I have downloaded all the latest SDK.



密钥工具自带的Java SDK。你应该找到它包含 javac的目录等。

keytool comes with the Java SDK. You should find it in the directory that contains javac, etc.