添加本地.aar文件摇篮建立使用与QUOT; flatDirs"不工作摇篮、文件、工作、aar

2023-09-11 20:27:55 作者:好好活着@


I'm aware of this question: Adding local .aar files to my gradle build but the solution does not work for me.

我尝试添加这样的语句来我 build.gradle 文件的顶层:

I tried adding this statement to the top level of my build.gradle file:

repositories {
    flatDir {
        dirs 'libs'

我也把 slidingmenu.aar 文件到 /库和依赖部分:编译com.slidingmenu.lib:slidingmenu:1.0.0@aar,但它并没有在所有的工作。

I've also put the slidingmenu.aar file into /libs and referenced it in the dependencies section: compile 'com.slidingmenu.lib:slidingmenu:1.0.0@aar' but it did not work at all.

我试过编译文件(库/ slidingmenu.aar')还有,但没有运气。

I tried compile files('libs/slidingmenu.aar') as well but with no luck.


What am I missing? Any ideas?

P.S。 Android的工作室0.8.2

P.S. Android Studio 0.8.2



Building upon Josiah's answer, here's how I got it to work.

在他的指令(下编辑)(文件 - >新建模块 - >导入.JAR / .AAR 的),并导入.AAR。

Following his instructions (under edit) (File -> New Module -> Import .JAR/.AAR) and import your .AAR.


Then in your project build.gradle (not the top level one, the one under 'app') add the following (in the dependencies section):

dependencies {
    compile project(':Name-Of-Your-Project')

请注意名称-OF-你的项目应与添加导入的AAR文件(在同一水平应用程序/ .idea Synchronize) after you do this.


(Thanks to Josiah for getting me going in the right direction)

(注:在此之前我试着将它添加到libs文件夹,试图操纵顶级 build.gradle 和应用程序级 build.gradle ,但没有奏效我的亚洲遥感协会文件 - 罐子的将正常工作,但不是AAR文件)

(Note: prior to this I tried adding it to the libs folder, trying to manipulate the top level build.gradle and the app level build.gradle, but none of that worked for my aars files--jar's will work fine, but not the aar files)