
2023-09-11 12:24:30 作者:我们暧昧,却不属于彼此╮


I've got a massive problem with the way the android fragment backstack seems to work and would be most grateful for any help that is offered.


Imagine you have 3 Fragments

[1] [2] [3]

我希望用户能够浏览 [1]> [2]≥ [3] ,但在回来的路上(pressing后退键) [3]> [1]

I want the user to be able to navigate [1] > [2] > [3] but on the way back (pressing back button) [3] > [1].

正如我会想到这会通过不调用来完成 addToBackStack(..)创建带给片段交易时, [2] 成XML定义的片段持有人。

As I would have imagined this would be accomplished by not calling addToBackStack(..) when creating the transaction that brings fragment [2] into the fragment holder defined in XML.

这个现实好像,如果我不想 [2] 来再次出现时,用户presses对返回按钮[ 3] ,我不能叫 addToBackStack 中显示片段 [3] 交易。这似乎是完全反直觉的(可能是从iOS的世界即将到来)。

The reality of this seems as though that if I dont want [2] to appear again when user presses back button on [3], I must not call addToBackStack in the transaction that shows fragment [3]. This seems completely counter-intuitive (perhaps coming from the iOS world).

无论如何,如果我做这种方式,当我从 [1]> [2] 和preSS后,我到达回到 [1] 预期。

Anyway if i do it this way, when I go from [1] > [2] and press back I arrive back at [1] as expected.

如果我走了 [1]> [2]≥ [3] 然后preSS回来我跳回 [1] (如预期)。 现在,当我尝试跳奇怪的行为发生[2] 再次[1] 。首先 [3] 短暂显示前 [2] 映入眼帘。如果我preSS回在这一点上 [3] 则显示,如果我preSS回来再次应用程序退出。

If I go [1] > [2] > [3] and then press back I jump back to [1] (as expected). Now the strange behavior happens when I try and jump to [2] again from [1]. First of all [3] is briefly displayed before [2] comes into view. If I press back at this point [3] is displayed, and if I press back once again the app exits.


Can anyone help me to understand whats going on here?


And here is the layout xml file for my main activity:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
          android:orientation="vertical" >

        class="com.fragment_test.FragmentControls" >
    <!-- Preview: layout=@layout/details -->


更新 这是导航层次结构的code我用建

Update This is the code I'm using to build by nav heirarchy

    Fragment frag;
    FragmentTransaction transaction;

    //Create The first fragment [1], add it to the view, BUT Dont add the transaction to the backstack
    frag = new Fragment1();

    transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
    transaction.replace(R.id.detailFragment, frag);

    //Create the second [2] fragment, add it to the view and add the transaction that replaces the first fragment to the backstack
    frag = new Fragment2();

    transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
    transaction.replace(R.id.detailFragment, frag);

    //Create third fragment, Dont add this transaction to the backstack, because we dont want to go back to [2] 
    frag = new Fragment3();
    transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
    transaction.replace(R.id.detailFragment, frag);

     //END OF SETUP CODE-------------------------
    //Press back once and then issue the following code:
    frag = new Fragment2();
    transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
    transaction.replace(R.id.detailFragment, frag);

    //Now press back again and you end up at fragment [3] not [1]




EXPLANATION (on what's going on here?):


If we keep in mind that .replace() = .remove().add() (that we know by documentation )

替换被添加到容器的现有片段。这是   本质上与调用删除(片段)的所有当前   中加入用相同containerViewId中,然后在加入的片段   加(INT,片段,字符串)这里给出相同的参数。

Replace an existing fragment that was added to a container. This is essentially the same as calling remove(Fragment) for all currently added fragments that were added with the same containerViewId and then add(int, Fragment, String) with the same arguments given here.


then what's happening is like this (I'm adding numbers to the frag to make it more clear):

// transaction.replace(R.id.detailFragment, frag1);
Transaction.remove(null).add(frag1)  // frag1 on view

// transaction.replace(R.id.detailFragment, frag2).addToBackStack(null);
Transaction.remove(frag1).add(frag2).addToBackStack(null)  // frag2 on view

// transaction.replace(R.id.detailFragment, frag3);
Transaction.remove(frag2).add(frag3)  // frag3 on view


(here all misleading stuff starts to happen)


Remember that .addToBackStack() is saving only TRANSACTION not the FRAGMENT as itself!


So now we have frag3 on the layout:

< press back button >
// System pops the back stack and find the following saved back entry to be reversed:
// [Transaction.remove(frag1).add(frag2)]
// so the system makes that transaction backward!!!
// tries to remove frag2 (is not there, so it ignores) and re-add(frag1)
// make notice that system doesn't realise that there's a frag3 and does nothing with it
// so it still there attached to view
Transaction.remove(null).add(frag1) //frag1, frag3 on view (OVERLAPPING)

// transaction.replace(R.id.detailFragment, frag2).addToBackStack(null);
Transaction.remove(frag3).add(frag2).addToBackStack(null)  //frag2 on view

< press back button >
// system makes saved transaction backward
Transaction.remove(frag2).add(frag3) //frag3 on view

< press back button >
// no more entries in BackStack
< app exits >



consider implementing FragmentManager.BackStackChangedListener to watch for changes in the back stack and apply your logic in onBackStackChanged() methode:

在跟踪交易的数量; 按名称查询特定的交易(FragmentTransaction addToBackStack(String名)); 等 trace a count of transaction; check particular transaction by name (FragmentTransaction addToBackStack(String name)); etc.