部署的Rails 3,现场使用AWS现场、Rails、AWS

2023-09-11 12:23:19 作者:空白


I am going to be deploying a site i have built in rails 3 for the first time.. It has been recommended that I use AWS. I have read through some tutorials online but keep running into the same problem. When i run the command

    rails g vulcanize complete_passenger_mysql


I get the following error message

    Could not find generator vulcanize.


At first glance it seems as if rails 3.1 is not compatible with the Gem: rubber.


has any one else had the same issue or knows of any way of doing this?. I am also willing to listen to alternative options, i chose AWS as it is free to start off with and people recommended it. Any suggestions welcome.. I would really like to deploy my site soon




You need to add the rubber to your Gemfile in order for its generators to be picked up.