传递参数使用AWS PHP SDK蜂巢脚本蜂巢、脚本、参数、PHP

2023-09-12 21:30:17 作者:人潮拥挤我不离开你

我试图运行使用PHP SDK的AWS EMR的蜂巢脚本。 我如何可以通过脚本参数(例如,输入,输出和日期上班)?

I'm trying to run an hive script on AWS EMR using the php sdk. How can I pass the script parameters (like, input, output and dates to work on)?




If you are struggling with this as well...

一个样本$ C $下传递变量蜂巢脚本可以在以下的亚马逊论坛主题

A sample code for passing variables to hive script can be found at the following Amazon Forum Thread