
2023-09-07 22:05:18 作者:ぞ滚出我的世界


I am using EGit in eclipse to provide Git support for an Android project I am working on. The problem is that after committing my project to the local repository I realized that the "gen" folder was not getting committed. As a result of this when I try to open the project on another machine after getting the latest source from the Git repository I keep getting the following error:

错误:无法打开类文件D:\\ codeREP \\的POC \\的Java \\ Android的\\独\\根\\组织\\等等\\例子\\ R.java:没有这样的文件或目录

ERROR: Unable to open class file D:\CodeRep\POCs\Java\Android\Sudoku\gen\org\blah\example\R.java: No such file or directory


Why can't I commit the "gen" folder to Git from Eclipse ? Everything gets committed just fine so I can push it to the remote repository.


您不应该commiting的文件夹;它包含生成code和源代码控制不属于。你应该重新创建你拉源$ C ​​$ C与任何一个Eclipse在机器上项目 - >清除或命令行蚂蚁干净如果你'重新使用构建脚本。

You shouldn't be commiting the gen folder; it contains generated code and doesn't belong in source control. You should be recreating it on the machine you pull the source code on with either an Eclipse "Project -> Clean" or a command line "ant clean" if you're using the build scripts.