
2023-09-11 10:51:00 作者:软甜kiss

好乡亲......长话短说,我正在发展,我不再有机会获得一台电脑上。我能够获得源$ C ​​$ C,但不是的.keystore文件,用来签名和发布我的应用程序市场(一些更新)。难道我和我可怜的用户的运气了,如果我曾经想更新?

Ok folks.. long story short, I was developing on a computer that I no longer have access to. I was able to retrieve the source code, but not the .keystore file used to sign and publish my application to the market (with several updates). Am I, and my poor users, out of luck if I ever want to update?


I know the password used to sign the key (at least it is one of three it could be), so can I create another? There must be a way around this.. what about a hard drive fail?



Faced the same problem. I was trying to restore it via deleted files restoring tools, but it failed. So, there is no other way: you should issue another application.


Generally, the only advise that exists on keystores: always backup it!