通过厨师安装RVM /红宝石1.9.3红宝石、厨师、RVM

2023-09-11 09:43:21 作者:不唸過去不畏將來


I'm just getting started with trying to move my infrastructure over to Chef, and I think I must be missing something obvious.

我使用的是厨师RVM 食谱安装RVM,我想它安装Ruby 1.9.3p125,并设置为默认值。

I'm using the chef-rvm cookbook to install RVM, and I'd like it to install Ruby 1.9.3p125 and set that as the default.


Here's my base server role:

name "base"
description "Basic configuration for all nodes"

  :authorization => {
    :sudo => {
      :users => ["ubuntu"],
      :passwordless => true
  :rvm => {
    :rubies => ["ruby-1.9.3-p125"],
    :default_ruby => "ruby-1.9.3-p125",
    :global_gems => ['bundler', 'rake']


This runs without any problems, but if I ssh into the server after it's finished, rvm doesn't list any installed rubies:

ubuntu@test.server:~$ rvm list

rvm rubies

# No rvm rubies installed yet. Try 'rvm help install'.


Is this even the correct way to specify that certain rubies be installed? If not, what is the correct way? If so, what am I doing wrong?



There's nothing wrong with your code. The problem lies in the fact that you never told Chef to install the Rubies that you defined in your role.

您已经包括配方[RVM] 中的作用的 run_list ,相当于食谱[RVM ::默认] 。展望菜谱的文档,你会发现这个食谱:

You have included recipe[rvm] in the role's run_list, which translates to recipe[rvm::default]. Looking into the cookbook's documentation, you find that this recipe:


您想通过替换,可以最好地实现什么配方[RVM] 配方[RVM ::系统] run_list

What you want can be best achieved by substituting recipe[rvm] for recipe[rvm::system] in the run_list:

安装RVM codeBase的系统级(即到/ usr /本地/ RVM),并安装红宝石,全球宝石,和具体的宝石击退属性的元数据。这个配方包括默认和系统 _ 安装。的 本身,如果你想RVM全系统的安装红宝石使用这个配方等。
