如何列出从单一卷ID EC2实例创建的快照快照、实例、ID

2023-09-11 09:43:18 作者:唐僧洗头爱飘柔

在过去的几个月里我们的快照备份量的增加,因此我们在Amazon EC2上每月的帐单。现在我想删除一些我们的老EC2的快照。因此,这里的问题:

In the past few months our snapshots backup volume increases and hence our monthly bill in amazon EC2. Now i wanted to delete some of our old EC2 snapshots. So here is the question:

如何找到从单一卷ID创建快照使用EC2命令行工具? 我试图EC2-描述,快照,这个列表中的所有快照。我们有很多的快照,这是非常困难的,我注意到他们失望一个接一个。

How to find all the snapshots created from a single Volume ID using EC2 command line tool? I tried ec2-describe-snapshots but this list all the snapshots. We have lots of snapshots and it is very difficult for me to note them down one by one.


不要 EC2-描述,快照--filter卷-ID =卷-12345
