
2023-09-11 09:31:09 作者:辣条总统

我有需要安装在他们的SSL证书,但亚马逊的EC2只允许一个公用IP多个站点。我不能使用SNI,因为我需要支持IE 7及以上。有没有一种方法,我可以有多个域的一个实例均具有SSL见?

I have multiple sites that need to have SSL certs installed on them but Amazon EC2 only allows one public IP. I can't use SNI since I need to support IE 7 and up. Is there a way I can have one instance with multiple domains each having SSLs?


下面是我紧随其后。我做了一个专用IP和其他弹性IP地址指向同一实例私有IP,并按照以上说明 的http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/config-windows-multiple-ip.html

Here is what I followed. I made a Private IP and another Elastic IP address that points to that private IP on the same Instance and followed these instructions http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/config-windows-multiple-ip.html