S3 - 匿名上传 - 主要preFIX上传、preFIX

2023-09-11 08:54:55 作者:倾暖微嫣°墨染


I am trying to understand exactly how to setup a bucket that is generally private but allows anonymous uploads with restrictions. The specific criteria are:

桶大部分是私人的,需要我的钥匙/秘密添加/删除/更新/列表文件。 有一个目录(即关键preFIX)被称为进入,将允许匿名用户上传的内容,但没有列出。 在桶中有对所有的内容进行了一天到期。作为奖励,我想进入目录下有一个30分钟的到期但如果这是不可能的为期一天的到期整个桶都行。 文件与进入preFIX将在每个对象的大小限制。 我可能也想限制与进入preFIX对象,只有特定的内容类型。


它会更好简单地创建两个水桶。一个我传入的文件,一个是我个人的处理和存储? 你会在code样子,对于一个文件被上传到incoming目录。理想情况下,我想,以避免依赖于S3库,只是使用HTTP调用。奖励积分,如果你能告诉我正确的方向上这红宝石。 :)


The expiration seems settable via the S3 Management Console but is only limited to 1 day as the smallest expiration. Can I put a decimal in that field? Permissions seem to apply to an entire bucket instead of just a prefix. This is making me think I just need two buckets. If I keep with one bucket I think I need to create an IAM policy and apply that to the bucket but it is beyond my limited knowledge of S3 and I want to ensure I don't leave a hole in the permissions that allow people to do more than I want them to.


I have found lots of documentation on doing anonymous uploads to S3 via a HTTP form post. I could adapt that into code but I am wondering since I am in application code (and not a HTTP form post) is there an easier way?


你描述的,可以在一个桶来实现。您可以允许通过斗政策匿名访问特定的文件夹,选中examples或使用 AWS策略生成器。你的情况可能是这个样子:

What you describe can be implemented within one bucket. You can allow anonymous access to specific folder via bucket policy, check examples or use AWS Policy Generator. In your case it could look something like this:

    "Version": "2008-10-17",
    "Id": "Policy1346097257207",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Allow anonymous upload to /incoming",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            "Action": "s3:PutObject",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::[your_bucket]/incoming/*"


It is also possible to upload files to your bucket anonymously using a simple html form:

<form action="http://[your_bucket].s3.amazonaws.com/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="hidden" name="acl" value="public-read" />
    Name: <input type="text" name="key" value="incoming/[filename]" /><br/>
    File: <input type="file" name="file" /> <br />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload" />
