
2023-09-11 08:01:00 作者:闹钟你别闹→_→

有例如在的jsfiddle 。

小说明:事业部 300×300 ,但可能会在未来的500×500或100×100(所以需要灵活的解决方案)与背景图片(即尺寸:覆盖所以不在乎大小)。

Small description: Div is 300x300 but might be 500x500 or 100x100 in future (so need flexible solution) with background image (which is size:cover so don't care about size).

在这个 DIV < P> 与50像素的HIGHT(但可能是100像素或25像素的未来),它内部有文字(20)和背景颜色就是有点透明的(蓝色)。

Inside this div there is <p> with hight of 50px (but might be 100px or 25px in future) which has text inside (20) and background-color that is a bit transparent (blue).

我想这里面居中 DIV 和sollution应该是灵活的(所以对于未来的变化也不会需要几个小时来手动修复所有图像/想法,所以这将是冷静使用值。

I want to center it inside this div and sollution should be flexible (so for future changes it won't be take a few hours to fix all images/ideas manually, so it would be cool to use % values.




    height: 300px;
    width: 300px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;
    position:relative; /*Make container relative*/

.cover-price p{
    line-height: 50px;
    width: 100%;
    height: 50px;
    background-color: rgba(43,32,122, .3);
    color: pink;
    position:absolute; /*make P absolute*/
    top: calc(50% - 50px); /*give top as 50% - height of p*/





If not using calc for lack of support below IE9 the you can specify the top value as height of the container/2-height of para i.e here top: 100px;