是removeChild之足以完全删除Flash Player的内存影片剪辑?影片剪辑、内存、removeChild、Flash

2023-09-08 14:36:12 作者:孓曰.尐孑亥孓嗼說愛




completely remove the child of clip at 0 index? I read somewhere you should set to null to all the references to that clip, but I have no other reference in my code. The clip at 0 was added via a regular addChild().



For the garbage collector to swipe your object you should:

-not have any other reference to the object throughout your code
-the object shouldn't be part of any collection (like Array or Vector)
-the current reference should be set to null


Be sure to pay extra attention to the second condition, the most common situation when the object is part of a collection you can't control directly is when it had a listener attached to it and when is part of the display list. On top of that, there are other situations when the object is part of a collection you can control, don't forget to remove it form there too.

另外,迫使垃圾收集轻扫你的对象(仅用于测试,不生产),你可以使用的System.gc(),然后检查与内存 System.privateMemory

Also, to force the garbage collector to swipe your object (only for testing, not production), you can use System.gc() and then check the memory with System.privateMemory