
2023-09-11 05:46:58 作者:骄纵


I'm trying to allow a user to enter text in a textbox, and have the program generate all possible combinations of it, except with a minimum of 3 characters and maximum of 6. I don't need useless words like 'as', 'a', 'i', 'to', etc cluttering up my array. I'll also be checking each combination against a dictionary to make sure it's a real word.


I have the dictionary complete (painstakingly generated, here's a link to it in return (WARNING: gigantic load time (for me)!)


Anyways, if the user enters 'ABCDEF' (in no particular order), how could I generate, for example:



etc... EVERY possible combination, no matter what order? I understand that there are a ridiculous amount of these combinations, but it only needs to be calculated once, so I'm not too worried about that.

我发现code样本递归找到的组合(不排列,我不需要那些)(ABCDEF,ABCDFE ... ACDBFE等)。他们没有做什么,我需要的,我没有在哪里,甚至开始与该项目丝毫线索。

I've found code samples to recursively find combinations (not permutations, I don't need those) of just the fixed-width string (ABCDEF, ABCDFE ... ACDBFE, etc). They don't do what I need, and I haven't the slightest clue about where to even start with this project.


This isn't homework, it started out as a personal project of mine that's grown to take over my life over such a simple problem... I can't believe I can't figure this out!



It sounds to me like you're describing the Power Set


Here's an implementation I had lying around my personal library:

// Helper method to count set bits in an integer
public static int CountBits(int n)
    int count = 0;
    while (n != 0)
        n &= (n - 1);
    return count;

public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> PowerSet<T>(
    IEnumerable<T> src, 
    int minSetSize = 0, 
    int maxSetSize = int.MaxValue)
    // we want fast random access to the source, so we'll
    // need to ToArray() it
    var cached = src.ToArray();
    var setSize = Math.Pow(2, cached.Length);
    for(int i=0; i < setSize; i++)
        var subSetSize = CountBits(i);
        if(subSetSize < minSetSize || 
           subSetSize > maxSetSize)
        T[] set = new T[subSetSize];

        var temp = i;
        var srcIdx = 0;
        var dstIdx = 0;
        while(temp > 0)
            if((temp & 0x01) == 1)
                set[dstIdx++] = cached[srcIdx];
            temp >>= 1;
        yield return set;
    yield break;


void Main()
    var src = "ABCDEF";
    var combos = PowerSet(src, 3, 6);

    // hairy joins for great prettiness
        string.Join(" , ", 
            combos.Select(subset => 
                    string.Join(",", subset) , "]")))


[A,B,C] , [A,B,D] , [A,C,D] , [B,C,D] , [A,B,C,D] , [A,B,E] , [A,C,E] , [B,C,E] , [A,B,C,E] , 
[A,D,E] , [B,D,E] , [A,B,D,E] , [C,D,E] , [A,C,D,E] , [B,C,D,E] , [A,B,C,D,E] , [A,B,F] , 
[A,C,F] , [B,C,F] , [A,B,C,F] , [A,D,F] , [B,D,F] , [A,B,D,F] , [C,D,F] , [A,C,D,F] , 
[B,C,D,F] , [A,B,C,D,F] , [A,E,F] , [B,E,F] , [A,B,E,F] , [C,E,F] , [A,C,E,F] , [B,C,E,F] , 
[A,B,C,E,F] , [D,E,F] , [A,D,E,F] , [B,D,E,F] , [A,B,D,E,F] , [C,D,E,F] , [A,C,D,E,F] , 
[B,C,D,E,F] , [A,B,C,D,E,F]