
2023-09-11 23:09:53 作者:ゅ其实月亮是我啃弯旳°


If I have a list of strings, I would like to combine them into one string with overlapping characters. If there is no overlapping strings left just add it to the end. Here is an overly simplified version.

input = ['one', 'two']
output = 'twone'


What i'm looking for as some way to do that with any number of strings in the input list.

谢谢, giodamelio

Thanks, giodamelio



It isn't really good enough to give one trivial example. This is just about the most underspecified question of the (lunar) year. However assuming that overlap can occur only the ends, and each word is tested only twice (against each end of the current output), and you want the maximum overlap, this would do the job:

[bug修正后编辑] 的

def glue(a, b):
    maxn = 0
    for n in xrange(1, 1 + min(len(a), len(b))):
        suffix = a[-n:]
        prefix = b[:n]
        if prefix == suffix:
            maxn = n
    # BUG: return maxn, a[:-maxn] + b
    # FAILS when maxn == 0
    # EXTRA TEST: ['nil', 'overlap']
    return a + b[maxn:]     

def multiglue(words):
    if not words: return ""
    result = words[0]
    for word in words[1:]:
        nx, rx = glue(result, word)
        ny, ry = glue(word, result)
        result = rx if nx > ny else ry
    return result

tests = [line.split() for line in """
    two one
    one two
    overlap nil
    nil overlap
    toad dog rabbit
    frog ogham
    ogham frog
    hopper grasshopper
    grass grasshopper person
    foooo oooof
    oooof foooo""".splitlines()]

for test in tests:
    out = multiglue(test)
    print test, repr(out)


[] ''
['one'] 'one'
['two', 'one'] 'twone'
['one', 'two'] 'twone'
['overlap', 'nil'] 'niloverlap'
['nil', 'overlap'] 'overlapnil'
['toad', 'dog', 'rabbit'] 'rabbitoadog'
['frog', 'ogham'] 'frogham'
['ogham', 'frog'] 'frogham'
['hopper', 'grasshopper'] 'grasshopper'
['grass', 'grasshopper', 'person'] 'grasshopperson'
['foooo', 'oooof'] 'foooof'
['oooof', 'foooo'] 'foooof'