
2023-09-11 23:09:50 作者:7ゎ.无爱一身轻ゝ

可能重复:   Implement这push_rear队列中的(),pop_front()和get_min()都是常量时间的操作。


I need to implement a FIFO data structure in which amortized cost of Enqueue, Dequeue and Extract-Min is O(1).


I have thought about using a regular queue which will have O(1) enqueue and dequeue using linked lists and then for Extract-Min I would go through the array to get the min and removie it. the cost for that would be O(n) though and that would not bring the amortized cost to O(1).

任何帮助或暗示将AP preciated。

Any help or hints would be appreciated.



You can implement a queue with an extra member which always points to the node with the least value of the queue. The Enqueue() has to be slight modified as shown by the pseudo code below:

void enqueue( data_t val )
  back->m_data = val; // back is a pointer to the end of the queue.

  // m_Min should be initialized with a large value.
  if (back->m_data <= m_Min->m_data)
    m_Min = back;
  else // => back->m_data > m_Min->m_data
    swap(back->m_data, m_Min->m_data);
    m_Min = back;


The above modification will ensure that enqueue, dequeue and extract_min all run in O(1).

data_t dequeue( )
  data_t front_data = front->m_data;

  prev_front = front;
  front = front->next;

  dump prev_front;
  return front_data;

所以,当达到 M_MIN 队列中有这将是最值只有一个元素。

So when front reaches m_Min the queue has only one element which will be the least value.

data_t min()
  return m_Min->m_data;

编辑: if区块中的排队()从我的previous版本修改。入队()基本上是在推动年底的新值。但互换其中previous节点,如果它是大于当前分钟(这是在队列中的最后节点持有)。

The if-block in enqueue() is modified from my previous version. The enqueue() basically pushes the new value at the end. But swaps with previous node if it is greater than the current min (which is held in the last node of the queue).


For e.g if the input sequence is 5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 6, 8.

front -> 5 <- back

front -> 5 3 <- back.

front -> 5 3 <- back.

front -> 5 3 7 <- back

front -> 5 7 3 <- back

front -> 5 7 3 1 <- back

front -> 5 7 3 1 <- back

front -> 5 7 3 1 4 <- back

front -> 5 7 3 4 1 <- back

front -> 5 7 3 4 1 6 <- back

front -> 5 7 3 4 6 1 <- back

front -> 5 7 3 4 6 1 8 <- back

front -> 5 7 3 4 6 8 1 <- back


Say you dequeue 3 items, the queue will look like:

front -> 4 6 8 1 <- back


So by the time front reached min, the queue will have only one element which will be min.
