
2023-09-11 05:05:13 作者:别摸我的婴儿肥


I'm implementing a custom maps (image with size map_width and map_height) on an iPhone app and i try to show the current user position on this map (current_long and current_lat)


I have 2 references points with a known GPS coordinates (ref1_long, ref1_lat, ref2_long and ref2_lat) and known X, Y positions in pixels (ref1_x, ref1_y, ref2_x and ref2_y)


My question is: how to calculate the current_x and current_y according to these informations ?



Most likely the map uses a mercantor projection. The problem is that the earth is a sphere but you have only 2 dimensions on a map. You need the co-ordinate of the 4 corners of the map and the map dimensions. The y-map value doesn't change but for the x-map value you need the mercantor projection. Then it become a linear transformation and either the width or the height of the map can be slightly different from the input:Convert lat/lon to pixel coordinate?.