
2023-09-11 05:05:09 作者:葬嗳


How they are counting whether a pin is popular or not? I had something like this in mind:

{}转播* 150 + {}意见* 100 + {喜欢} * 50- {}时间/ 150



他们可能不会告诉任何人外... 但是从我的经验,普及算法开始像一个你建议,但往往是精致而变得更加复杂随着时间的推移。每一个类似的算法,我一直在开发至今保持evoluting数月,即使去住。当人们试图欺骗算法为使自己的东西比其他东西更受欢迎,都增加了额外的限制,以避免这种情况。

They probably won't tell anyone outside... But from my experience, popularity algorithms start off like the one you suggested, but tend to be refined and get more complex over time. Every similar algorithm I have been developing so far kept evoluting for months even after go live. As people try to trick the algorithm into making their own stuff more popular than other stuff, additional constraints are added to avoid this.


Most probably there will be more factors involved, e.g.

点击 在得分取决于谁采取行动的用户的用户评分(转贴,评论,...),即通过VIP用户评论两倍更受欢迎比新手评论两倍 ...