
2023-09-11 03:53:42 作者:热血为霸i


Using c#, how to iterate through an multidimensional array of unknown dimensions?


For example consider setting each element of the array to a specified value, all entries of the array needs to be iterated. The method should handle all the following cases and fill all entries with the value 4, regardless of the dimension of the array passed.

ClearArray(new int[3], 4);
ClearArray(new int[3,3], 4);
ClearArray(new int[3, 3, 3, 3], 4);


The methods signature obviously looks something like

static void ClearArray(Array a, int val) { ... }


for (int i=0; i<a.GetLength(dimension); i++) 


Note: This question is not about 2D arrays, 3D arrays, nor 4D arrays. It should handle whatever dimension the Rank property on the Array object says.



Fastest solution is Buffer.BlockCopy:

static void ClearArray(Array array, int val)
  var helper = Enumerable.Repeat(val, Math.Min(array.Length, 1024)).ToArray();
  var itemSize = 4;

  Buffer.BlockCopy(helper, 0, array, 0, helper.Length * itemSize);
  for (var len = helper.Length; len < array.Length; len *= 2)
    Buffer.BlockCopy(array, 0, array, len * itemSize, Math.Min(len, array.Length - len) * itemSize);

static int Count(Array array, Func<int, bool> predicate)
  var helper = new int[Math.Min(array.Length, 4096)];
  var itemSize = 4;

  var count = 0;
  for (var offset = 0; offset < array.Length; offset += helper.Length)
    var len = Math.Min(helper.Length, array.Length - offset);
    Buffer.BlockCopy(array, offset * itemSize, helper, 0, len * itemSize);
    for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      if (predicate(helper[i]))
  return count;


time: 00:00:00.0449501, method: Buffer.BlockCopy
time: 00:00:01.4371424, method: Lexicographical order
time: 00:00:01.3588629, method: Recursed
time: 00:00:06.2005057, method: Cartesian product with index array reusing
time: 00:00:08.2433531, method: Cartesian product w/o index array reusing


Statistic (Count function):

time: 00:00:00.0812866, method: Buffer.BlockCopy
time: 00:00:02.7617093, method: Lexicographical order



  Array array = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), new[] { 100, 200, 400 }, new[] { -10, -20, 167 });
  foreach (var info in new [] 
      new {Name = "Buffer.BlockCopy", Method = (Action<Array, int>)ClearArray_BufferCopy},
      new {Name = "Lexicographical order", Method = (Action<Array, int>)ClearArray_LexicographicalOrder}, 
      new {Name = "Recursed", Method = (Action<Array, int>)ClearArray_Recursed}, 
      new {Name = "Cartesian product with index array reusing", Method = (Action<Array, int>)ClearArray_Cartesian_ReuseArray}, 
      new {Name = "Cartesian product w/o index array reusing", Method = (Action<Array, int>)ClearArray_Cartesian}, 
    var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
    var count = 10;
    for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
      info.Method(array, i);
    Console.WriteLine("time: {0}, method: {1}", TimeSpan.FromTicks(stopwatch.Elapsed.Ticks / count), info.Name);