
2023-09-11 02:50:25 作者:我适可而止,你好自为之

我与分析算法课程在大学的一段痛苦的经历,但最近发现了一个需要它在真实世界的。 - 无论如何,我正在寻找一个简单但有效的速成班。任何想法?

I had a painful experience with the "Analysis of Algorithms" classes back in college but have recently found a need for it in the real world. -- Anyway, I'm looking for a simple-yet-effective crash course. Any ideas?


Related Sidenote: It sure would be nice if there were a "Cartoon Guide to Algorithm Analysis", taught by Dilbert.


UPDATE: A very similar question can be found at: How to get started on ALGORITHMS?


有很多关于这一主题的好书。我喜欢一种算法导论的分析。还检查了算法课程MIT开放式课程(使用 CLRS 作为课程文本)。这是一个有点深,但网上有它可以让你去自己的步调。

There are a lot of good books on the subject. I like An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms. Also check out the algorithms course on MIT OpenCourseWare (using CLRS as the course text). It's a little bit deep, but having it online allows you to go at your own pace.
