
2023-09-10 23:09:51 作者:我的将来只有你

我一直在寻找什么人在马里奥AI比赛一直在做,其中一些已经建立了一些pretty的整洁马里奥机器人利用A *(A星)径处理算法。

I was looking at what the guys in the Mario AI Competition have been doing and some of them have built some pretty neat Mario bots utilizing the A* (A-Star) Pathing Algorithm.

(视频A *博特在行动)

(Video of Mario A* Bot In Action)


My question is, how does A-Star compare with Dijkstra? Looking over them, they seem similar.


Why would someone use one over the other? Especially in the context of pathing in games?


Dijkstra算法是A *的特例(当启发式为零)。

Dijkstra is a special case for A* (when the heuristics is zero).