查找排序矩阵(行N列)的O号(log n)的矩阵、log

2023-09-10 23:01:47 作者:风华1纸啲缠绵

说我有一个矩阵(的M×N ),它有它的行和列进行排序。

Say I have a matrix (MxN) which has its rows and columns sorted.

所有每行中的元件被布置在递增顺序 所有各列中的元件被布置在递增顺序 所有的元素都是整数

没有其他假设可 All the elements in each row are arranged in increasing order All the elements in each column are arranged in increasing order All the elements are integers

No other assumptions can be made


[1 5 8 20]

[1 5 8 20]

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[2 9 19 21]

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[12 15 25 30]

我要找到一个给定的数字是present在基质或没有(基本搜索)。我有它运行 O(N)

I have to find if a given number is present in the matrix or not (Basic search). I have an algorithm which runs O(n)

int row = 0;
int col = N-1;

while (row < M && col >= 0) {
  if (mat[row][col] == elem) { 
    return true;
  } else if (mat[row][col] > elem) { 
  } else { 

不过,有人问我一个 O(日志(MXN))== O(日志(N))解决方案。任何想法??

But I was asked an O(log (MxN)) == O(Log(n)) solution. Any ideas??


O(日志(M * N))解决方案是不可能完成这个任务。

O(log (M * N)) solution is not possible for this task.


Let's look at a simplified task: in "sorted" square matrix assume all elements above secondary diagonal (green) less than given number, all elements below secondary diagonal (red) greater than given number, and no additional assumptions for elements on secondary diagonal (yellow).


Neither original assumptions of this task, nor these additional assumptions tell us how elements on secondary diagonal are related to each other. Which means we just have an unsorted array of N integers. We cannot find given number in the unsorted array faster than O(N). So for original (more complicated) problem with square matrix we cannot get a solution better than O(N).

有关的长方形矩阵,舒展的正方形图片,并设置相应的额外的假设。这里,我们有分钟(N,M)排序尺寸最大的子阵列(N,M)/分钟(N,M)的每个。这里搜索最佳的方法是使用线性搜索找到的一个或几个子阵列可含有给定值,然后使用这些子阵列内的二进制搜索。在最坏的情况下,有必要对每个子阵列中的二进制搜索。复杂度为O(分(N,M)*(1 +日志(MAX(N,M)/分钟(N,M))))。因此,对于原来的(更复杂的)问题的方形矩阵,我们不能得到一个解决方案,为O(分(N,M)*(1 +日志(MAX(N,M))好 - 日志(分(N,M))) )。

For a rectangular matrix, stretch the square picture and set the additional assumptions accordingly. Here we have min(N,M) sorted sub-arrays of size max(N,M)/min(N,M) each. The best way to search here is to use linear search to find one or several sub-arrays that may contain given value, then to use binary search inside these sub-arrays. In the worst case it is necessary to binary-search in each sub-array. Complexity is O(min(N,M) * (1 + log(max(N,M) / min(N,M)))). So for original (more complicated) problem with rectangular matrix we cannot get a solution better than O(min(N,M) * ( 1 + log(max(N,M)) - log(min(N,M)))).