
2023-09-12 03:32:22 作者:穿一暑假拖鞋不会系鞋带了


So I changed the style of the Holo Theme with the Holo Colors Generator and Action Bar Style Generator to my own color. But when I select text inside an edit text, the "markers" at the selected positions are still blue. How can I change it?


这里最糟糕的是找到了名这个项目以及它是如何被称为主题内。所以,我看了看,通过在Android SDK文件夹每个绘制,终于找到了可绘制名为text_select_handle_middle,text_select_handle_left和text_select_handle_right。

The worst part here was to find the "name" for this item and how it is called inside the theme. So I looked through every drawable in the android SDK folder and finally found the drawables named "text_select_handle_middle", "text_select_handle_left" and "text_select_handle_right".


So the solution is simple: Add these drawables with customized design/color to your drawable folder and add them to your theme style definition like:

<style name="MyCustomTheme" parent="@style/MyNotSoCustomTheme">
        <item name="android:textSelectHandle">@drawable/text_select_handle_middle</item>
        <item name="android:textSelectHandleLeft">@drawable/text_select_handle_left</item>
        <item name="android:textSelectHandleRight">@drawable/text_select_handle_right</item>