
2023-09-10 23:01:32 作者:有人说我朋友圈没营养,咋滴?你在朋友圈炖骨头汤?QQ乐园小编




    conditions_met = 0
    conditions_total = 3
    如果len(passwd文件)> = 6:
        如果passwd.lower()= passwd文件:conditions_met + = 1
        如果len([X对于x在passwd文件,如果x.isdigit())> 0:conditions_met + = 1
        如果len([X对于x在passwd中如果没有x.isalnum())> 0:conditions_met + = 1
    如果conditions_met> = 2:结果=真



在至少一个大写字母和一个 小写字母 在至少一个数字 在至少一个特殊字符 的至少六个字符的长度


在一个条件满足:弱密码 在两个条件满足:中等密码 在所有条件都满足:强密码 改善用户体验 制作实用密码强度提示


See also How do you compute password complexity?

What is the best way of ensuring that a user supplied password is a strong password in a registration or change password form?

EDIT: one idea I had (in python)

def validate_password(passwd):
    conditions_met = 0
    conditions_total = 3
    if len(passwd) >= 6: 
        if passwd.lower() != passwd: conditions_met += 1
        if len([x for x in passwd if x.isdigit()]) > 0: conditions_met += 1
        if len([x for x in passwd if not x.isalnum()]) > 0: conditions_met += 1
    result = False
    print conditions_met
    if conditions_met >= 2: result = True
    return result


Depending on the language, I usually use regular expressions to check if it has:

At least one uppercase and one lowercase letter At least one number At least one special character A length of at least six characters

You can require all of the above, or use a strength meter type of script. For my strength meter, if the password has the right length, it is evaluated as follows:

One condition met: weak password Two conditions met: medium password All conditions met: strong password

You can adjust the above to meet your needs.