
2023-09-10 22:25:34 作者:你别皱眉!

在这个问题How我可以有效地选择在C ++ 11标准库容器?是一个方便的流程图选择C ++集合时使用。

In this question How can I efficiently select a Standard Library container in C++11? is a handy flow chart to use when choosing C++ collections.


I thought that this was a useful resource for people who are not sure which collection they should be using so I tried to find a similar flow chart for Java and was not able to do so.


What resources and "cheat sheets" are available to help people choose the right Collection to use when programming in Java? How do people know what List, Set and Map implementations they should use?



Since I couldn't find anything I decided to make one myself.

该流程图并不试图掩盖的东西一样同步访问,线程安全等或传统的收藏品,但它确实涵盖了3个标准设置 S,3个标准地图和2个标准列表秒。

This flow chart does not try and cover things like synchronized access, thread safety etc or the legacy collections, but it does cover the 3 standard Sets, 3 standard Maps and 2 standard Lists.


The main other useful reference to people is probably the following page from the oracle documentation which describes each Collection.

的HashSet VS TreeSet中

还有时使用的详细讨论的HashSet TreeSet的在这里: VS的Hashset TreeSet的

There is a detailed discussion of when to use HashSet or TreeSet here: Hashset vs Treeset

的ArrayList VS的LinkedList
