
2023-09-11 22:35:32 作者:三个字软妹 少女心的三个字


I submitted a request in my web application which may take long time to process the request and get response. Is there any way user can cancel the request in the middle by clicking a button in the web application.


Aborting the ajax request will not stop the request in the server side.


Is there any way to achieve this?



Why would a user want to cancel a request?


If it's long running, and they don't want to wait, a better idea might be to make it an asynchronous process. Return a receipt token to the user immediately and let them know they can come back later with their receipt to pick up the result. Provide a second method that takes in the token and returns the response.


您需要研究,看看你的数据库服务器有一个API,允许您取消一个过程。这是这里的关键。如果没有,你的运气了。我不知道有任何这样的事情在JDBC API中,因此即使它你就必须想出一个办法来获取命令到数据库。

You need to research to see if your database server has an API to allow you to cancel a process. That's the key thing here. If it doesn't you are out of luck. I'm not aware of any such thing in the JDBC API, so even if it does you'll have to figure out a way to get that command to the database.