
2023-09-10 21:51:59 作者:青空如璃


Below is my java script for loading image when ajax is fired.

<script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(function (){
            $(document).ajaxStop(function() {
                console.log(new Date().getTime());
            $(document).ajaxStart(function() {
                console.log(new Date().getTime());



below is the content I'm hiding/showing.

<div id='ajax_loader'
            style="position: fixed; left: 50%; top: 40%; color: red; font-size: 3em; display : none; zIndex : 1;">


The problem is when any ajax is called the ajaxStart() method is executing but it is not showing the "#ajax_loader" content.


Still the request is taking 2 to 3 secs to respond.


But if we uncomment alert inside ajasStart() method, then it is enabling the "#ajax_loader" content.


Can any please help me on this issue ?



It is impossible to have a loading indicator and synchronous ajax, without executing the ajax in an asynchronous way.

这是因为浏览器渲染器被放入回调队列,队列回调仅被处理时调用堆栈是空的。同步AJAX $ P $从排空直到AJAX完成,因此,根本不可能引起任何呈现在页面上,直到后它是完整pvents调用堆栈

This is because the browser renderer gets put into the callback queue, and the callback queue only gets processed when the callstack is empty. Synchronous ajax prevents the callstack from emptying until the ajax is complete, thus making it impossible to cause anything to render on the page until after it is complete.


One workaround is to wrap the ajax request in a setTimeout, thus allowing the callstack to clear, and the renderer to happen, before the ajax request is sent. However, this will not work with ajaxStart because that doesn't get called until... you guessed it.. the ajax starts. This would likely also break whatever is requiring you to have this as a synchronous request.


The only real solution to this is to not use synchronous ajax and refactor the code that is imposing this crazy requirement on you.

async: true