AJAX调用的支柱 - 此后渲染视图视图、支柱、此后、AJAX

2023-09-10 20:35:21 作者:春心動


I do have an accordion kind of UI, where for a user there are several nodes to click and expand. On the click of those Nodes,I need to make an Ajax call to one my server side programs.The idea here is make the call, and listen for success or failure and either case , return back with the Model Object that my view needs to pick and subsequently pass to the Underscore template to display the values appropriately.


Haven't written a BackBone Ajax call before, and so was interested knowing from experts there, for a given need what should be my best strategy.

您的答案是多少AP preciated。

Your answers are much appreciated.




You have 2 options which are basically equivalent and depend on taste. Using callbacks:

  success: function(model, response, options){
    // create and display new view
  error: function(model, response, options){
    // display error


Or the equivalent using deferreds:

  // create and display new view
  // display error