我如何能突出使用Primefaces UIInput时,在Ajax请求验证失败?突出、Primefaces、Ajax、UIInput

2023-09-11 22:32:32 作者:帅得瞎人眼


public class CpfValidator implements Validator {

    public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value)
        throws ValidatorException {
        if (validateCpf(value.toString())) {
            FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR,"Invalid Input","Invalid Input");
            ((UIInput) component).setValid(false); // this line doesnt work

        throw new ValidatorException(msg);


JSF snippet:

<p:inputText label="CPF" id="inputCpf"
                    <f:validator validatorId="br.gov.valec.sicpd.util.CpfValidator" />
                    <p:ajax event="change" update="inputNameOwner"
                        listener="#{mainBean.searchOwner}"  />


When the form is submitted via command button primefaces highlights it automatically. How can I achieve that when ajax is fired and validation fails?


UIInput#setValid(假)工作正常。你刚才忘记告诉Ajax来更新输入组件本身。添加 inputCpf @this &LT;电话号码:AJAX更新&GT;

The UIInput#setValid(false) is working fine. You just forgot to tell ajax to update the input component itself. Add inputCpf or @this to <p:ajax update>.

<p:ajax ... update="@this inputNameOwner" />

在校验明确 UIInput#setValid(假)呼叫的方式是不必要的。摆脱它。一旦抓到的JSF已经做了一切本身的 ValidatorException 抛出您的验证。

That explicit UIInput#setValid(false) call in validator is by the way unnecessary. Get rid of it. JSF already does it all by itself once it catches the ValidatorException thrown by your validator.