PrimeFaces 2,如何使用Ajax啊:selectOneBooleanCheckbox?如何使用、PrimeFaces、selectOneBooleanCheckbox、Ajax

2023-09-10 20:07:53 作者:手可摘星辰

我有一个JSF / PrimeFaces 2.x的用户界面与复选框(H:selectOneBooleanCheckbox),它的值会影响其他部件。是这样的:

I have a JSF / PrimeFaces 2.x UI with a check box (h:selectOneBooleanCheckbox) whose value affects other widgets. Something like:

[X] checkbox1
  [____|V] combobox1
  [X] checkbox2


When checkbox1 is false, the selected value for combobox1 must be null, and checkbox2 must also be false.


I'd like to use ajax to set the values in the backing bean on check of checkbox1, but I don't know how to add ajax support for a h:selectOneBooleanCheckbox

谁能帮助?谢谢, 罗布

Can anyone help? Thanks, Rob


< F:AJAX> 监听器在checkbox1方法,由它来完成所需的作业,呈现ComboBox1的和checkbox1。

Nest <f:ajax> with a listener method in checkbox1 which does the desired job and renders the combobox1 and checkbox1.


<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{bean.checkbox1}">
    <f:ajax listener="#{bean.listener}" render="combobox1 checkbox2" />
<h:selectOneMenu id="combobox1" value="#{bean.combobox1}">
    <f:selectItems ... />
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="checkbox2" value="#{bean.checkbox2}" />

public void listener() {
    if (!checkbox1) {
        combobox1 = null;
        checkbox2 = false;

PrimeFaces本身有一个&LT;电话号码:AJAX&GT; 它提供simlilar功能。它仅使用更新属性,而JSF标准&LT; F:AJAX&GT; 使用渲染属性。

PrimeFaces itself has a <p:ajax> which offers simlilar functionality. It only uses update attribute whereas JSF standard <f:ajax> uses render attribute.