是使用eval()进行数据只从服务器端的安全吗? (如果不是,替代取悦)如果不是、服务器端、安全、数据

2023-09-10 20:07:04 作者:别等不该等的人


I'm creating a website where I'm doing ajax requests to load some dynamic content AFTER I load a static container page. Basically, I need to pass an array of integers to the page from the server, and I'm using jQuery to load data. I am writing the ints inside a tag with a know name, and using eval to read data from it. Here's a sample tag (returned from ajax):

<跨度=服务器级=隐藏ID =PhotoList/> 与codebehind list.ForEach(P => {sb.Append(p.ID.ToString()+);}); 其中SB是一个StringBuilder,所以服务器作为一个结果返回类似:

<span runat="server" class="hidden" id="PhotoList" /> with the codebehind list.ForEach(p => { sb.Append(p.ID.ToString() + ","); } ); where sb is a StringBuilder, so the server as a result returns something like:

&LT;跨度=服务器级=隐藏ID =PhotoList&GT; 1,4,5,42,9&LT; / SPAN&GT;

我有一个变量 photoList 在JavaScript中声明的,我叫 VAR scriptToEval =photoList =+ $(#PhotoList )。html的()+];;

I have a variable photoList declared in the javascript, and I call var scriptToEval = "photoList = [" + $("#PhotoList").html() + "];";



I am not a master of Javascript and I just want to be sure that this is safe, as there's lots of discussion on whether eval is safe or not. I THINK this is safe (the ones I've pasted is all the code I'm using with eval), but I may have missed a point, so a professional's opinion is important for me. I know why they say eval is dangerous, as it is capable for interpreting any code, malicious or not, but here, I think this way cannot be compromised at all, as the response from the server is completely under my control. Another option would be making ANOTHER ajax call for the variables and load them directly without ajax from the returned array, but thay would sum to two calls, (I already make the load call anyway as it really loads some HTML content from the server) but this way, even though a bit hacky (putting variables into a hidden HTML tag), seems convenient (and ASP.NET also does this for viewstate too after all!).

我的重点是EVAL无论如何,这是绝对安全的,或者我应该有一些安全方面的考虑? Javascript的专家吧。

My focus is on eval anyway, is this perfectly safe, or should I have some security considerations? Javascript experts please.


安全,是的,假设你的服务器是安全的。一般要真正避免使用唯一一次的eval()是用户可以添加code的其他用户就可以看到。就像你从来没有想要使用的eval()显示论坛上发帖等时,如果code是从你的服务器的到来,或者如果用户的输入只被显示给他/她自己,的eval()是好的。实际上,这就是的jsfiddle 一样。

Safe, yes, assuming your server is secure. Generally the only time you want to truly avoid using eval() is when users are able to add code which other users can see. Like you'd never ever want to use eval() when displaying a forum post, etc. If the code is coming from your server, or if the user's input is only being displayed back to himself/herself, eval() is fine. This is essentially what jsfiddle does.