
2023-09-11 22:32:55 作者:感情喂过狗

在默认情况下在数据表Ajax调用避免缓存,加入一个假的领域上的网址,例如: http://yoursite.com/api/?_348522852542。我想禁用此。看来,ajax的函数调用 fnServerData ,其定义是这样的...

By default Ajax calls in DataTables avoid caching by adding a bogus field onto the url, e.g. http://yoursite.com/api/?_348522852542'. I would like to disable this. It appears that the ajax functions call fnServerData which is defined something like this...

    "fnServerData": function ( sUrl, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings ) {
        oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax( {
            "url":  sUrl,
            "cache": false,


I want the value for "cache" to be true rather than false. Am I missing something? Why is this hard-coded in like this? Is the best way to do make this change to edit the source either locally or by submitting a patch?


您可以覆盖fnServerData回调: HTTP ://datatables.net/usage/callbacks#fnServerData

You can override the fnServerData callback: http://datatables.net/usage/callbacks#fnServerData