
2023-09-10 19:36:29 作者:7冄7號°


当我把返回的HTML页面的特定ID文本,JavaScript特效不工作。 CSS的工作方式类似表格排序,jQuery效果或其他效果不工作正常,但JavaScript特效。我知道我在这里缺少一些概念。但没有得到任何有效的解决。


解决方案 因不敢坐飞机而错过比赛的职业球员也就只有他了吧




下面是另一个 SO回答解释委托的好处

I am new in AJAX. I have searched a lot on Internet but only got basic AJAX steps. Now I am writing codes using AJAX but a common problem I am facing continuously.

When I place return text in the particular id of HTML page, Javascript effects do not work. CSS works fine but Javascript effects like table sorting, jQuery effects or any other effect does not work. I know I am missing some concept here. But didn't get any effective answer.

Please suggest me what should I do? And what is the concept behind this...


The new HTML you're adding to the DOM (page) didn't exist when your jquery ran the first time and bound events to elements on the page. You're probably using $("something").click(...) or .bind("click", ...). Instead of these use the delegate function from jquery. Delegate is generally more flexible and faster than live. For instance you can not stopPropagation in a 'live' binding.

Jquery Delegate

Why Delegate is better than Live

Here is another SO answer that explains the benefits of delegate