
2023-09-10 19:33:37 作者:﹃ 凄凉过往


What HTTP status should action return if it expects to only be used via AJAX, but was called without proper ajax headers? I feel I should signify some error, but I can't really find appropriate one.

我想最好是405不允许的方法,但它是奇怪,如果例如AJAX GET请求返回的内容,和普通GET将返回405

I guess best would be 405 Method not allowed, but it would be weird if for example ajax GET requests returned content, and plain GET would return 405.


您可以完成请求,但你拒绝这样做,因为它不是在AJAX,所以我觉得适当的错误是403 - 禁止

You can fulfill the request, but you refuse to do it since it's not in AJAX, so I think the appropriate error is 403 - forbidden.

http://www.w3.org/Protocols/ RFC2616 / RFC2616-sec10.html#sec10.4.4


Anyways, I don't think any error code will be weird if it'll be accompanied with a clear explanation.