"..." />

Rails 3.1里选择全部复选框复选框、全部、Rails

2023-09-10 18:58:17 作者:恋上香烟只伤身不伤心


 @bulk_objects.each do |bulk_warehouse|
      bulk_error = @wh_errors[:"bulk_warehouse#{@count}"] if @wh_errors      
<tr class="<%= cycle("odd", "even") %>">
             <%= hidden_field_tag("bulk_warehouse_id#{@count}",bulk_warehouse.id) %>
               <td><%= text_field_tag("bulk_warehouse_asset#{@count}", bulk_warehouse.asset, :disabled => true)%></td>
              <td><%= text_field_tag("bulk_warehouse_serial#{@count}", bulk_warehouse.serial, :disabled => true) %></td>

              <td><%= check_box_tag "enable_record#{@count}",1,false,{:onclick => "bulk_warehouse_asset#{@count}.disabled = 
                                                                                bulk_warehouse_serial#{@count}.disabled = 

                    <td class="last">
                <%= link_to "#{t("web-app-theme.delete", :default => "Delete")}", bulk_warehouse_path(bulk_warehouse), :method => :delete, :confirm => "#{t("web-app-theme.confirm", :default => "Are you sure?")}" %>

    <%  @count = @count +1 %>
 <% end -%>
       <div class="actions-bar wat-cf">
    <div class="actions">


and this is my controller:

 @bulk_objects = BulkWarehouse.all
                         @count= @bulk_objects.count

现在我会在我的视图中添加一个全选复选框,当你点击它使所有其他enable_record#{@计}复选框。我知道应该做这件事使用Ajax和jQuery,但我不知道怎么办。任何人都可以帮我吗? 谢谢你会

Now I would add in my view a "Select all" checkbox that when you click on it enables all other "enable_record#{@count}" checkbox. I know that this thing should be done using Ajax and Jquery but I don't know how. Anyone can help me? Thank you ll



You can use button_to_function to create a button that will check/uncheck all the boxes on the form.

把这个code。在您看来,您希望您的选中/清除按钮即可进入。当单击该按钮,它将运行toggleChecked JavaScript函数。

Place this code in your view, where you want your check/uncheck button to go. When the button is clicked, it will run the toggleChecked javascript function.

<%= button_to_function "Check / Uncheck All", "toggleChecked()" >

将您的javascript code在视图的底部。

Place your javascript code at the bottom of your view.

<script type='text/javascript'>
    var toggleChecked = function() { $('input[type="checkbox"]').click(); });

该功能也可投入资产/ JavaScript的相应.js文件。

The function also can be put into the respective .js file in assets/javascripts.



Button_to_function is now deprecated. I recommend handling this using an HTML5 button and jQuery.

查看$ C $下您的按钮:

View code for your button:

<button type="button" id="check_all">
    Check / Uncheck All



<script type='text/javascript'>
    $('#check_all').on("click", function(){ $('input[type="checkbox"]').click(); });