
2023-09-11 00:56:00 作者:有个笨蛋住进我心

在我的博客上的应用程序,一些职位出现摘录 - 也就是说,用户看到的第一个(比方说)500个字符,并可以单击链接来查看整个帖子。下面是相关的部分:

In my blog application, some posts appear as excerpts -- i.e., the user sees the first (say) 500 characters, and can click a link to view the entire post. Here is the relevant partial:

<% href = url_for post_path(:id => post) %>

<h1 class="title"><%= post.title %></h1>
<h2 class="published_on"><%= post.author %> wrote this <%= time_ago_in_words(post.published_on)%> ago</h2>
<div class="body">
  <% if defined?(length) %>
    <%= truncate_html(post.body, :length => length, :omission => "&hellip;<h1><a class='more' href=\"#{href}\">Click here for more!</a></h1>") %>
  <% else %>
    <%= post.body %>
  <% end %>



However, instead of "Click here for more!" taking the user to a separate page, I'd like it to populate the rest of the post inline. Currently, I've been implementing this by putting the above snippet in the following div:

<div class="post" id="post_<%= post.id %>">
  <%= render :partial => 'post_content', :locals => { :post => post, :length => 500 } %>


I then use the id of this div in my application.js to do the AJAX:

$(document).ready(function() {

  $("a.more").click(function() {
    var url = $(this).attr('href');
    var id = url.split("/")[2]
    $.get(url, null, function(data) {
      $("#post_" + id).html(data);     
    return false;


这是明显的恶心 - 我不希望我的JavaScript依赖于后期的ID在链接的href的位置,但我不知道任何其他方式的JavaScript知道哪个张贴的获取和因此在其中div中应插入的内容。

This is obviously disgusting -- I don't want my javascript to depend on the location of the post's id in the link's href, but I don't know any other way for the javascript to know which post it is getting and therefore into which div the content should be inserted.




Horace, you are correct. You don't need the Rails helpers at all. To achieve unobtrusive JavaScript Nirvana, you will do well to avoid them (sorry Marc!)

Unobstrusive JS意味着避免嵌入式JS在可能的情况。事实上,尽量让事情变得松散,但并非完全脱钩。在您给我们的例子中,很容易的,因为我们从HREF的URL的工作。您的JS并不需要知道如何申请任何东西。

Unobstrusive JS means avoiding embedded JS where possible. Indeed, try to keep things loosely coupled, but not entirely decoupled. In the example you gave us, it is easy, because we have a URL from the HREF to work with. Your JS does not need to "know" anything about how to request.


Here is how to send through the link from the HREF's blindly, and get Rails to respond with an ajax response (i.e. no layout).


<!------- Your HTML ------>
<h1 class="title">Schwein Flu Strikes Again</h1>
<h2 class="published_on">B.Obama wrote this 2 seconds ago</h2>
<div class="body">
    <h1><a class='more' href="/post/1234">Click here for more!</a></h1>

/********* Your JavaScript ***********/
$(document).ready(function() {

  $("a.more").click(function() {
    $containing_div = $(e).parents('div.body');
    var url = $(this).attr('href');
    	beforeSend	: function(request) { request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript"); },
                        /* Included so Rails responds via "format.js" */
    	success		: function(response) { $(containing_div).empty.append(response); },
    	type		: 'get',
    	url		    : url
    return false;


########### Your Controller ###########
def show
  @article = Post.find(param[:id])
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html { render :action => "show" and return  }
    format.js { render :partial => "post_content", :layout => false and return }


This also assumes you have RESTful routes or similar to handle /post/:id

和我们就大功告成了!我相信,有东西在,对我们所有人。 :D

And we're done! I believe there is something in that for all of us. :D