
2023-09-10 18:20:54 作者:畫不出來妳的美ン


I've a page in which I've posts and users are to give comments. The comments are handled using AJAX. Each comment line has a "Vote" button.


In the index page, I've put the jQuery function for the vote

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function()    {
         $('.voteUpBtn').click(function() {
               // Cast your vote


Now when a user submits a new comment, it makes an AJAX call and appends the HTML using jQuery to the index page

        type: "POST",
        url: "proc/add-line.php",
        data: dataString,

        cache: false,
        success: function(html){

在附加的HTML,我也有同样的投票按钮。 (每个注释都有一个相应的投票按钮)。

On the appended HTML, I have the same vote button. (Each comment has a corresponding vote button).


The Problem is, the "vote" button on the new comment generated by AJAX doesn't work. If I refreshed the page, the vote works (although I'm using the same Markup).

我怎么有可能使投票按钮在AJAX工作返回的HTML ??

How do I make it possible for the vote button to work in the AJAX returned HTML??



$('.voteUpBtn').live('click', function() {
    // Cast your vote