Magento的+ JQuery的+阿贾克斯 - 如何重装只是部分我的自定义模块,而不是整个区块的?我的、区块、自定义、重装

2023-09-10 17:50:40 作者:伪淑女



到目前为止,我的code ++工程,不知何故。我有一些变量,我可以点击一些单选按钮和变量的变化是通过Ajax的方法更新。由于URL我的块索引方法被调用这不只是加载和渲染我的布局。之后,我加入了返回的HTML(这是我的整个块)我最外面的div的父母在我的块。它的工作原理,但我似乎无法找到一个方法来制作动画的变化,似乎有种很慢,如果阿贾克斯每个用户只需改变一次重建整个街区一个选项。







 < PHP


                如果(使用isset($ _ POST ['色'])){
                    $颜色=#。 $ _ POST ['色'];

                如果(使用isset($ _ POST ['型'])){
                    $型= $ _ POST ['类型'];

                如果(使用isset($ _ POST ['大小'])){
                    $大小= $ _ POST ['大小'];

                $ currentStoreUrl =法师:: getBaseUrl();

                $ currentProduct = $这个 - > getProduct($类型,$颜色,$大小);

                $ currentId = $ currentProduct->的getId();

                $ currentUrl = $ currentProduct-> getProductUrl();

                $ currentPrice = $这个 - >用getPrice($ currentId);

                $ currentImgUrl = $这个 - > getDoorBaseImgUrl($类型,$大小);


< D​​IV ID =door_wrapper级=>
    < D​​IV ID =door_left_wrapper级=MJ-grid48>

        <形式ID =TESTFORM>

            < D​​IV ID =door_colors>

                <标签ID =FFFFFF>白色<输入类型=无线电名称=切换值=FFFFFF>< /标签>
                <标签ID =000000>黑<输入类型=无线电名称=切换值=000000>< /标签>
                <标签ID =736D6C>灰色<输入类型=无线电名称=切换值=736D6C>< /标签>

            < / DIV>

            < D​​IV ID =door_model>

                < PHP的print_r($ _ POST); ?>

                <?PHP的echo $类型;?>
                <?PHP的echo $颜色;?>
                <?PHP的echo $大小;?>

                < BR>

                <?PHP的echo $ currentImgUrl;?>
            < / DIV>

            < D​​IV ID =door_size>

                < /选择>

            < / DIV>

            ?< PHP如果($ currentProduct-> isSaleable()):>
                    < A HREF =< PHP的echo $ currentStoreUrl。结帐/车/增加产品=放?$ currentId。;数量= 1;?>>
                    &所述; / a取代;
                < /按钮>
            < PHP的东西:??>
                <按钮禁用>缺货&LT的; /按钮>
            < PHP ENDIF;?>

        < /形式GT;

    < / DIV>

    < D​​IV ID =door_right_wrapper级=MJ-grid48>

        < D​​IV ID =door_img>
            < IMG SRC =< PHP的echo $ currentImgUrl;>中>
        < / DIV>

        < D​​IV ID =结果>< / DIV>
    < / DIV>

< / DIV>

<脚本类型=文/ JavaScript的>

    变量$ COL =000000;
    变量$ TYPE =高级;

        $ j.ajax({
            网址:/ doorconfig / AJAX /指数,
            背景:$ J(下'#door_wrapper)父()。
                        $ J(下这一点)。html的(数据)$(本).fadeIn(慢)。

    $ J(下文件)。就绪(函数()
                          $ J(下输入[名称=切换]:电台)。改变(函数()



 < PHP


        $集合=法师:: getModel('目录/产品) - > getCollection();

        $收藏 - > addAttributeToSelect('doorconfig_enable');
        $收藏 - > addAttributeToSelect('doorconfig_color');
        $收藏 - > addAttributeToSelect('doorconfig_size');
        $收藏 - > addAttributeToSelect('doorconfig_type');

        $收藏 - > addFieldToFilter('doorconfig_enable',
                        '情商'=>法师:: getResourceModel(目录/产品)
                                     - >的getAttribute('doorconfig_enable)
                                     - >的getSource()
                                     - > getOptionId(是)

        $收藏 - > addFieldToFilter('doorconfig_color',
                        '情商'=>法师:: getResourceModel(目录/产品)
                                     - >的getAttribute('doorconfig_color)
                                     - >的getSource()
                                     - > getOptionId($颜色)

        $收藏 - > addFieldToFilter('doorconfig_size',
                        '情商'=>法师:: getResourceModel(目录/产品)
                                     - >的getAttribute('doorconfig_size)
                                     - >的getSource()
                                     - > getOptionId($大小)

        $收藏 - > addFieldToFilter('doorconfig_type',
                        '情商'=>法师:: getResourceModel(目录/产品)
                                     - >的getAttribute('doorconfig_type)
                                     - >的getSource()
                                     - > getOptionId($型)

        $产品= $收藏 - > getFirstItem();


    公共职能用getPrice($ ID)
        $产品=法师:: getModel('目录/产品) - >负载($ ID);
        $ _taxHelper =新Mage_Tax_Helper_Data;
        $ finalprice = $ _taxHelper->用getPrice($产品$产品 - > getFinalPrice(),TRUE);
        $ finalprice = $这个 - > getCurrency();
        返回$ finalprice;


        返回法师:: getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store :: URL_TYPE_MEDIA)。 所见即所得/ geeklab / doorconfig /';

        返回$这个 - > getDoorImageDir()。用strtolower($大小)。 _。 str_replace函数(\ 040,\ 137,用strtolower($类))。 巴纽;

        返回$这个 - > getDoorImageDir()。用strtolower($大小)。 _。用strtolower($颜色)。 巴纽;



 < PHP

        $这个 - > loadLayout();
        $这个 - > renderLayout();






      $产品型号=法师:: getModel('doorconfig /产品');

      $ currentProduct = $ productModel-> getProduct($ _ POST);
      $ currentProductId = $ currentProduct->的getId();
      $ currentProductUrl = $ currentProduct-> getProductUrl();
      $ currentPrice = $ productModel->用getPrice($ currentProductId);
      $ currentType = $这个 - >调用getRequest() - >的getPost('doorconfig_type');
      $ currentSize = $这个 - >调用getRequest() - >的getPost('doorconfig_size');
      $ currentProductBaseImgUrl = $ productModel-> getDoorBaseImgUrl($ currentType,$ currentSize);

      $结果= array("currentProductId"=>$currentProductId,"currentPrice"=>$currentPrice,"currentProductUrl"=>$currentProductUrl,"currentProductBaseImgUrl"=>$currentProductBaseImgUrl);

      在JSON // EN code结果
      $这个 - > GETRESPONSE() - > setBody(法师::帮手(核心) - > jsonEn code($结果));



最后更新阿贾克斯部分现在触发我的新控制器动作,接收结果作为一个JSON EN code和DOM变化的值:

 <脚本类型=文/ JavaScript的>

   变量$ baseImgUrl =;
   变量$ PRODUCTURL =;
   变量$ productId参数=;
   变量$ F = $ J(下#attributeform);
    变量$ FORMDATA;
    变量$ currentStoreUrl =< PHP的echo $ currentStoreUrl>?;


      $ j.ajax({
         网址:/ doorconfig /指数/更新,
         数据:$ FORMDATA,
                  $ productId参数= data.currentProductId;
                  $价格= data.currentPrice;
                  $ baseImgUrl = data.currentProductBaseImgUrl;
                  $ PRODUCTURL = data.currentProductUrl;
                     $ J(下#结果)文本($价格)。

                     。$ J(下#addtocart)ATTR(?结帐/车/增加产品=HREF',$ currentStoreUrl + + $ productId参数+&放大器;数量= 1);
                     $ J(下#productimg)ATTR('src'中,$ baseImgUrl)。



   $ J(下文件)。就绪(函数()

      $ J(下#结果)文本。('<?PHP的echo $ defaultProductPrice;?>');
      $ J(下#addtocart)ATTR。(HREF','<?PHP的echo $ currentStoreUrl结帐/车/增加产品=?$ defaultProductId&放大器;数量= 1。>?) ;
      $ J(下#moreinfo)ATTR(HREF','<?PHP的echo $ defaultProductUrl;?>')。
      $ J(下#productimg)ATTR('src'中,'<?PHP的echo $ defaultProductImgUrl;?>')。
      $Ĵ(#attributeform)[0] .reset段();

      $ J(下的形式[名称= attributeform])。改变(函数()

         $ FORMDATA = $ f.serialize();



I was just recently given the task to create a simple Product configurator for our Magento Template in 5 days, where you can choose some attributes and it calculates the price for you, fades over a new image and changes the add to cart button to the new product.

Before this I had no experience in PHP or JQuery and just some basics in Magento (never done a custom module before.) My only programming Background is OOP Games in Action Script 3.

So far my code works somehow. I have some variables that I can change on click of some radio buttons and the variables are updated via the ajax method. As URL my block index method is called which does just load and render my layout. After I add the returned HTML (which is my whole block) to the parent of my outermost div in my block. It works but I can't seem to find a way to animate the changes and it seems kind of slow if the ajax rebuilds the whole block each time the user just changes one option.

Is there a more elegant way to just reload the changed parts, smoothly animate the changes and make my block remember the inputs that were made?

Here are the source files for download:

If you need to see the site itself, please message me :)

Thanks in advance!

My Block phtml:


                $type = 'Simple';
                $color = 'FFFFFF';
                $size = '2500x1800';

                if (isset($_POST['color'])) {
                    $color = "#" . $_POST['color'];

                if (isset($_POST['type'])) {
                    $type = $_POST['type'];

                if (isset($_POST['size'])) {
                    $size = $_POST['size'];

                $currentStoreUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl();

                $currentProduct = $this->getProduct($type,$color,$size);

                $currentId = $currentProduct->getId();

                $currentUrl = $currentProduct->getProductUrl();         

                $currentPrice = $this->getPrice($currentId);

                $currentImgUrl = $this->getDoorBaseImgUrl($type, $size);


<div id="door_wrapper" class="">
    <div id="door_left_wrapper" class="mj-grid48">

        <form id="testform">

            <div id="door_colors">

                <label id="FFFFFF">White<input type="radio" name="toggle" value="FFFFFF"></label>
                <label id="000000">Black<input type="radio" name="toggle" value="000000"></label>
                <label id="736D6C">Grey<input type="radio" name="toggle" value="736D6C"></label>


            <div id="door_model" >

                <?php print_r($_POST); ?>

                <?php echo $type;?>
                <?php echo $color;?>
                <?php echo $size;?>


                <?php echo $currentImgUrl;?>

            <div id="door_size">

                <select name="doorsizes">


            <?php if ($currentProduct->isSaleable()): ?>
                <button type="button">
                    <a href="<?php echo $currentStoreUrl . "checkout/cart/add?product=" . $currentId . "&qty=1";?>">
            <?php else: ?>
                <button disabled>Out of Stock</button>
            <?php endif;?>



    <div id="door_right_wrapper" class="mj-grid48">

        <div id="door_img">
            <img src="<?php echo $currentImgUrl;?>">

        <div id="result"></div>


<script type="text/javascript">

    var $col = "000000";
    var $type = "Advanced";
    var $size = "3050x2150";

    function ajaxUpdate()
            url: "/doorconfig/ajax/index",
            type: "POST",
            data: {color : $col, type : $type, size : $size },
            context: $j('#door_wrapper').parent(),
            success: function(data) 

                          $j("input[name=toggle]:radio").change(function ()


My Block php:

class Geeklab_DoorConfig_Block_Doorconfig extends Mage_Core_Block_Template

    public function getProduct($type,$color,$size)

        //Get Product Collection
        $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();

        //Select needed Attributes

        //Filter for Selected Product
                        'eq' => Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product')

                        'eq' => Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product')

                        'eq' => Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product')

                        'eq' => Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product')

        $product = $collection->getFirstItem();

        return $product;

    public function getPrice($id)
        $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($id);
        $_taxHelper  = new Mage_Tax_Helper_Data;
        $finalprice = $_taxHelper->getPrice($product, $product->getFinalPrice(), true);
        $finalprice .= $this->getCurrency();
        return $finalprice;

    public function getCurrency()
        return Mage::app()->getLocale()->currency(Mage::app()->getStore()->getCurrentCurrencyCode())->getSymbol();

    public function getDoorImageDir()
        return Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA) . 'wysiwyg/geeklab/doorconfig/';

    public function getDoorBaseImgUrl($type, $size)
        return $this->getDoorImageDir() . strtolower($size) . '_' . str_replace("\040", "\137", strtolower($type)) . '.png';

    public function getDoorColorImgUrl($color, $size)
        return $this->getDoorImageDir() . strtolower($size) . '_' . strtolower($color) . '.png';


And my AjaxController.php


class Geeklab_DoorConfig_AjaxController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
   public function indexAction ()



So I came up with a solution that works just awesome. I added another controller action and a model to do the Magento Interactions during my ajax calls. So let me show you how it's done, I hope somebody can profit from this sooner or later :)

My new Action:

public function updateAction ()

      //Instantiate Product Model
      $productModel = Mage::getModel('doorconfig/product');

      //Get Updated Values from the Model
      $currentProduct = $productModel->getProduct($_POST);
      $currentProductId = $currentProduct->getId();
      $currentProductUrl = $currentProduct->getProductUrl();
      $currentPrice = $productModel->getPrice($currentProductId);
      $currentType = $this->getRequest()->getPost('doorconfig_type');
      $currentSize = $this->getRequest()->getPost('doorconfig_size');
      $currentProductBaseImgUrl = $productModel->getDoorBaseImgUrl($currentType,$currentSize);

      //Populate Resultarray
      $result = array("currentProductId"=>$currentProductId,"currentPrice"=>$currentPrice,"currentProductUrl"=>$currentProductUrl,"currentProductBaseImgUrl"=>$currentProductBaseImgUrl);

      //Encode Result in JSON

      return $result;

My model just got most of the business logic from my block, so nothing special to point out about that.

And finally the updated Ajax section which now triggers my new controller action, receives the result as a JSON encode and changes the values in the DOM:

<script type="text/javascript">

   var $price = "";
   var $baseImgUrl = "";
   var $productUrl = "";
   var $productId = "";
   var $f = $j("#attributeform");
    var $formData;
    var $currentStoreUrl = "<?php echo $currentStoreUrl ?>";

   function ajaxUpdate()

         url: "/doorconfig/index/update",
         type: "POST",
         data: $formData,
         dataType: "json",
         success: function(data) 
                  $productId = data.currentProductId;
                  $price = data.currentPrice;
                  $baseImgUrl = data.currentProductBaseImgUrl;
                  $productUrl = data.currentProductUrl;

                     $j("#addtocart").attr('href',  $currentStoreUrl + "checkout/cart/add?product=" + $productId + "&qty=1");
                     $j("#productimg").attr('src', $baseImgUrl);


            error: function(error)


      $j("#result").text('<?php echo $defaultProductPrice; ?>');
      $j("#addtocart").attr('href', '<?php  echo $currentStoreUrl . "checkout/cart/add?product=" . $defaultProductId . "&qty=1" ?>');
      $j("#moreinfo").attr('href', '<?php echo $defaultProductUrl; ?>');
      $j("#productimg").attr('src', '<?php echo $defaultProductImgUrl; ?>');

      $j("form[name=attributeform]").change(function () 

         $formData = $f.serialize();


If you need any further explanation or wanna improve something please comment :)