
2023-09-11 01:05:47 作者:花街、卖笑的


When the caching remains disabled (i.e. cache: false), how can I prevent the tab from loading the remote content again? Essentially, I would like to select a tab but not load it.



It turns out that you can control the caching of each tab by setting the 'cache.tabs' data in each tab's anchor element.

我张贴的答案在另一篇文章: JQuery用户界面选项卡缓存,但我只是转贴了code在这里。

I posted the answer in another post: JQuery UI Tabs caching, but I'll just repost the code here.

// disable cache by default
    cache: false,

再经过标签内容加载的第一次,你可以启用缓存该选项卡。我只是把它放在 $(文件)。就绪的缓存网页:

$(document).ready(function () {
    // cache content for the current tab
    var currentTabIndex = $("#tabs").tabs('option', 'selected');
    var currentTabAnchor = $("#tabs").data('tabs').anchors[currentTabIndex];
    $(currentTabAnchor).data('cache.tabs', true)