用ajax Laravel上传文件上传文件、ajax、Laravel

2023-09-10 17:48:14 作者:纯情小男生


Im using laravel framework, i have a form of adding a new item to the database and in that form the user can also drag and drop a file than a progress bar is desplayed until its completed, using ajax for uploading the file to the server.


Once submitting that form i run "addItem" function in a controller and I want to do/check:


The file is already hosted in the server (successful upload)

如果该文件驻留在服务器上,我怎么觉得呢? (我给它一个随机名称)

If the file is hosted in the server, how do i find it? (i gave it a random name)


If the user chose not to submit the form, i wish to erase that file from the server, so i wont have files that are not connected to any item on my database.


Can you suggest me ideas how to complete these tasks?


要你需要使用的 FORMDATA 这是一类的 XMLHtt prequest2 ,它不与工作IE浏览器< 10

To send files by AJAX you need to use FormData which is a class of XMLHttpRequest2, it doesn't work with IE<10.

您还需要 AJAX2 显示进度


在这里,我已经做出了表率。在这个例子中使用的形式通过AJAX发送数据和文件 FORMDATA 键,显示 #progress 使用上传进度百分比在进度事件。显然,这是一个示例,它可以改变,以适应它。

Here I have made an example. In this example the form sends the data and files via AJAX using FormData and show the upload progress percentage in #progress using the progress event. Obviously it is a sample and it could be changed to adapt it.

$('form').submit(function(e) { // capture submit
    var fd = new FormData(this); // XXX: Neex AJAX2

    // You could show a loading image for example...

      url: $(this).attr('action'),
      xhr: function() { // custom xhr (is the best)

           var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
           var total = 0;

           // Get the total size of files
           $.each(document.getElementById('files').files, function(i, file) {
                  total += file.size;

           // Called when upload progress changes. xhr2
           xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(evt) {
                  // show progress like example
                  var loaded = (evt.loaded / total).toFixed(2)*100; // percent

                  $('#progress').text('Uploading... ' + loaded + '%' );
           }, false);

           return xhr;
      type: 'post',
      processData: false,
      contentType: false,
      data: fd,
      success: function(data) {
           // do something...

请参阅如何工作的!!: http://jsfiddle.net/0xnqy7du/3/

See how works!!: http://jsfiddle.net/0xnqy7du/3/


laravel 你可以用 输入::文件 ,移动到另一个位置,并保存在数据库中,如果您需要它:

In laravel you can get the file with Input::file, move to another location and save in the database if you need it:

Input::file('photo')->move($destinationPath, $fileName);

// Sample save in the database
$image = new Image();
$image->path = $destinationPath . $fileName;
$image->name = 'Webpage logo';