Ruby on Rails的3,在于form_tag遥控器上的响应Ajax请求器上、on、Ruby、Rails

2023-09-10 16:00:12 作者:没有你/我死不了


thanks for reading this post. I've been stuck on an issue with RoR for the past few days. I have a form under index.html.erb as:

    <title>Ajax List Demo</title>
    <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>  
    <%= csrf_meta_tag %>  
  <h3>Add to list using Ajax</h3>

  <% form_tag :action => :list , :method=>:get, :remote=>true  do %>
    Enter the public url:<%= text_field_tag 'url' ,'', :size => 80 %>
    <%= submit_tag "Find" %>
  <% end %>

  <div id="my_list">


 def list
    puts "here!!!!"
    reader =
    @profiles =  reader.processURL(params[:url]) #profileList = 
    respond_to do |format|
      #format.html { render :partial=>true, :locals => { :profiles => @profiles}}#{          render :partial=>'profiles/list',:layout => false, :locals => { :profiles => @profiles}} 

format.js {render :content_type => 'text/javascript', :locals => { :profiles => @profiles}}

# index.html.erb
      #   format.rss     render :partial=>'profiles/list',:layout => false, :locals => { :profiles => @profiles}


And a js file for remote UJS as list.js.erb

$("#my_list").html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => "list"))%>");

问题是我不能让结果来呈现局部_list.html.erb,在div标签my_list。我得到一个空白页面,406错误。如果我取消注释渲染HTML code控制器我得到的部分,在浏览器的后退呈现。我有点卡住,我想提交表单,结果弹出了my_list股利。我是新来的铁轨,所以如果我失去了一些东西明显不毫不犹豫地指出来我....我肯定愿意去尝试。

The issue is I cannot get the results to render the partial _list.html.erb, in the div tag my_list. I get a blank page, 406 error. If I un-comment the render html code in the controller I get the partial back rendered in the browser. I am kind of stuck, I want to submit the form and the results to pop in the my_list div. I'm new to rails so if I'm missing something obvious don't hesitate to point it out to me....I'm definitely willing to try.


        <title>Ajax List Demo</title>
        <h1>Listing posts</h1>
           <%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.js' %>  
    <%= csrf_meta_tag %>  
        <h3>Add to list using Ajax</h3>

        <% form_tag :action => :doit , :method=>:get, :remote=>true  do %>
        Enter the public url:<%= text_field_tag 'url' ,'', :size => 80 %>
        <%= submit_tag "Find" %>
        <% end %>

        <div id="my_list">


def doit
    puts "here!!!!"
    reader =
    @profiles =  reader.processURL(params[:url])
    respond_to do |format|
 #     format.html {render :partial=>true, :locals => { :profiles => @profiles}}#{    render :partial=>'profiles/list',:layout => false, :locals => { :profiles => @profiles}} 
      format.js #{render :content_type => 'text/javascript', :locals => { :profiles => @profiles}}
      # index.html.erb
      #   format.rss     render :partial=>'profiles/list',:layout => false, :locals => { :profiles => @profiles}

JS _doit.js.erb $(#my_list)HTML(&LT;%= escape_javascript(渲染(:部分=>DOIT))%>);

JS _doit.js.erb $("#my_list").html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => "doit"))%>");




不过我仍然得到406错误,我没有一个重复的_doit JS或再培训局。做任何事情杰出从这个是不正确的?再次感谢!

However I am still getting the 406 error, I dont have a duplicate _doit js or erb. Does anything standout as incorrect from this? Thanks again!



I think the form is not rendered correctly:


<% form_tag :action => :doit , :remote=>true, :id => 'myform' do %>
        Enter the public url:<%= text_field_tag 'url' ,'', :size => 80 %>
        <%= submit_tag "Find" %>
        <% end %>


<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/home/doit?id=myform&amp;remote=true" method="post">
<div style="margin:0;padding:0;display:inline">
<input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="&#x2713;" />
<input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="MLuau4hvfdGO6FrYCzE0c0JzwHhHKZqjmV49U673sK8=" />
</div>        Enter the public url:
<input id="url" name="url" size="80" type="text" value="" />

    <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Find" />

        <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Find" />



Its adding my remote tag and id to the query string, isnt this wrong?

Ok finally got a clue forms need to be bracketed:

 <%= form_tag( { :action => 'doit' }, :multipart => true, :remote=>true, :id => 'myform' ) do %>

确定最后的更新今晚: 现在,我得到的日志中:

Ok last update tonight: Now I get in the logs:

在周三10月27日22点40分55秒-0400 2010开始POST/家/ DOIT为127.0.0.1 这里!!!!   处理由HomeController的#DOIT为JS   参数:{提交=>查找,URL=>,authenticity_token=>MLuau4hvf dGO6FrYCzE0c0JzwHhHKZqjmV49U673sK8 =,UTF8=>Γ£O} 渲染家居/ _doit.html.erb(4.0ms) 渲染家居/ doit.js.erb(9.0ms) 完成200 OK在807ms(浏览次数:40.0ms | ActiveRecord的:0.0ms)

Started POST "/home/doit" for at Wed Oct 27 22:40:55 -0400 2010 here!!!! Processing by HomeController#doit as JS Parameters: {"commit"=>"Find", "url"=>"", "authenticity_token"=>"MLuau4hvf dGO6FrYCzE0c0JzwHhHKZqjmV49U673sK8=", "utf8"=>"Γ£ô"} Rendered home/_doit.html.erb (4.0ms) Rendered home/doit.js.erb (9.0ms) Completed 200 OK in 807ms (Views: 40.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

我看到的JS和它说,它使我的js /分。然而我却一无所获上my_list股利。我的JS文件:

I see as JS and it says it renders my js/partial. However I am getting nothing on my_list div. My JS file:

$("#my_list").html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => "doit"))%>");


My html.erb form file has now:

<script$('#myform').bind('ajax:success', function(evt, data, status, xhr){


Its like the form does nothing, which is a good sign, no more 406 error. I know this is close, if anyone can point what I need to do in the js that would be great otherwise I'll take a break and try tmrw.


Ok I think its getting a response back just not rendering as you pointed out would be the issue yesterday Steve.


Debugging the JS on Firebug I see the html I want rendered in the div, for this:



Which means I think I am getting the JS response back now.


<script>$('#myform').bind('ajax:success', function(evt, data, status, xhr){

检查说它不知道什么MyForm的是,但我把:在Rails code ID =>'MyForm的

Inspections say it doesnt know what myform is, but I put :id => 'myform' in the Rails code.


Again all thanks, I got a ton of help here and I want to share how I finally got it working back to the community.


The, js file for the method doit(def. need a better controller action name) is doit.js


$("my_list").update("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => "doit"))%>");


For some reason leaving it as #my_list wouldn't be found in firefox, I had to use firebug to finally figure this out.


Obviously this is different from the way suggested below, and I am going to place the js script back into the form and remove the .js.erb file and see how that works works. I suppose I just render the partial in the format.js response? Also where does everyone find info on writing the UJS files? I know nothing about the syntax for anything starting with $.


Again thanks for the help, finally feel like I am making progress on learning rails.


我张贴Hacker News上这个答案,但想通的堆栈溢出社区可能会受益,以及: - )

I posted this answer on Hacker News, but figured the Stack Overflow community might benefit as well :-)

在Rails 3中,JavaScript的司机都非常放手(即不显眼的)。您遇到的问题是,您的应用程序返回给浏览器的JavaScript字符串,但并没有什么在随后的执行中的JavaScript页​​面的上下文的页面。

In Rails 3, the javascript drivers are very hands-off (i.e. unobtrusive). The problem you're having is that your app is returning to the browser a string of javascript, but there is nothing in the page that is then executing that javascript in the context of the page.


The rails.js ujs driver binds to forms and links with data-remote=true, which is what the :remote => true is doing, to make them submit their requests remotely, but that is where the Rails magic stops.


The good news is that the remote requests fires off some events you can bind to, which give you access to the data returned by the server (which fire off in the following order):


您需要将事件绑定到 AJAX:您的形式成功事件。所以,如果你的表单有id为MyForm的,你会希望您的网页上是这样的:

You need to bind an event to the ajax:success event of your form. So, if your form had the id "myform", you'd want something like this on your page:

  $('#myform').bind('ajax:success', function(evt, data, status, xhr){

xhr.responseText 是您的服务器的回报,所以这只是执行它的JavaScript。

xhr.responseText is what your server returns, so this simply executes it as javascript.


Of course, it's proper to also bind to the failure event with some error handling as well.


I usually don't even use the action.js.erb method of returning javascript, I just have my controller render the HTML partial, and then I have a binding like this in the page:

  $('#myform').bind('ajax:success', function(evt, data, status, xhr){


I'm actually in the middle of writing a full article on this, but hopefully this is enough to get you going.

编辑:我完成了一篇文章,充分解释的Rails 3远程链接和形式可能会有所帮助:

I finished that article, fully explaining remote links and forms in Rails 3. Maybe it will help:

轨道3远程链接和表格: 一个明确的指南

Rails 3 Remote Links and Forms: A Definitive Guide
