
2023-09-10 14:54:08 作者:战神灵魂


I am assigning the value to the variable from the text box on the page during the pageupload event of AjaxFileUpload1.The problem is that, I am not getting the value from the text box to my variable even though no error throws.My variables are

        string scn = txtSCN.Text;
        string line1 = txtLineitem.Text;
        string aging1 = txtAging.Text;  

任何想法,为什么 AjaxFileUpload1_UploadComplete 是无法读取的文本框的值

Any idea why AjaxFileUpload1_UploadComplete is not able to read text box value

我的CS code是:

My cs Code is:

    protected void AjaxFileUpload1_UploadComplete(object sender,     AjaxControlToolkit.AjaxFileUploadEventArgs e)
   string c = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(e.FileName);
        string dpath = "~/Profile/Images/";
        string scn = txtSCN.Text;
        string line1 = txtLineitem.Text;
        string aging1 = txtAging.Text;             
        dpath = dpath + c;
        string str1 = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ProTracConnGMCH"].ConnectionString;
        SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(str1);
        string sql = "Update tbNoquoteFollowupupdate set MailreceivedURL = '" + dpath + "', chkMailreceived = 1 , Buyername =  '" + buyername + "'  where scn = '" + scn + "' AND lineItem = '" + line1 + "' and Aging ='" + aging1 + "' ";
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn);
        int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

        if (i > 0)
           // AjaxFileUpload1.SaveAs(Path.Combine(dpath, e.FileName));
        string cmd2 = "Insert Into tbMulitmailsreived (scn, lineItem,followupdate, Aging,MailreceivedURL) Values ('" + scn + "', '" + line1 + "','" + DateTime.Now + "','" + aging1 + "','" + dpath + "')";
        SqlCommand sqlCommand2 = new SqlCommand(cmd2, cn);




I spent some time last week investigating this question but in the end couldn't find an easy solution for this. The OP in that question solved it by storing values in the Session but for this to work you would still need to cause a postback at some stage.


There apparently was functionality planned for the AjaxFileUpload control to pass values in the Context Keys collections but this was never implemented. This question describes how to implement this yourself though.

我的认为的我看到了另一个问题,围绕同一主题和OP通过改变使用 AsyncFileUpload 控制,但我坚持要纠正...

I think I saw another question around the same topic and the OP solved it by changing to using the AsyncFileUpload control but I stand to be corrected...