
2023-09-10 14:13:04 作者:林尽处听雨眠


        网址:/淘汰赛/ SaveProduct
        的contentType:应用/ JSON
        数据:{\名称\:\AA \},
          警报(在pushJsonData:textStatus + errorThrown ++ jqXHR);






P.S。 这里是控制器code

        // GET:/基因剔除/


        公共JsonResult GetProductList()
                使用(VAR DB =新KOEntities())
                    模型= product.ToList();
            {抛出前; }
            使用(VAR DB =新KOEntities())
                db.Products.Add(新产品{名称= product.Name,dateCreated会= DateTime.Now});
php语法错误 意外的结束 ,我找很久了没看出来哪里出错了,各位帮帮忙啊,我是新手







    公共字符串名称{;组; }


公众的ActionResult SaveProduct(UserViewModel模型)


公众的ActionResult SaveProduct(UserViewModel模型)

这是说,在作出AJAX请求到ASP.NET MVC控制器操作时最casesusually你不需要设置的dataType 属性。其中的原因是因为当你返回一些特定的ActionResult(如一个ViewResult或JsonResult),该框架将自动设置正确的内容类型响应HTTP头。 jQuery将然后用这个标题来解析响应,并喂给它的参数已经解​​析成功的回调。




真的吗?请,永远别再的 EVER 的绝不会将此属性设置为false。我看到人们这样做一遍又一遍又一遍又一遍。这是离谱。伙计们,如果你将此属性设置为你不再做AJAX。你挡/请求杀死所有的好处,AJAX给你的整个执行过程中冻结客户端浏览器。只是使在这种情况下,一个正常的请求。不要打扰用JavaScript。如果你想要做的AJAX,然后停止在程序和顺序编程的角度来思考。在启动异步事件和回调来思考。

I got the following piece of code

function pushJsonData(productName) {
        url: "/knockout/SaveProduct",
        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json",
        dataType: "json",
        data: " { \"Name\" : \"AA\" } ",
        async: false,
        success: function () {
        error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
          alert(textStatus + " in pushJsonData: " + errorThrown + " " + jqXHR);

Notice that I hard coded the data value. The data get pushed into the database fine. However, I keep getting the error "parsing error syntax error unexpected end of input". I am sure my data is in correct JSON syntax. When I checked with on Network of Chrome inspector the saveProduct request showed the data is correct.

{ "Name": "AA" }

This POST request did not have response. So I am clueless as to where the parse error was coming from. I tried using FireFox browser. the same thing happened.

Can anyone give some idea as to what is wrong?


P.S. Here is the controller code

namespace MvcApplJSON.Controllers
    public class KnockoutController : Controller
        // GET: /Knockout/

        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();

        public JsonResult GetProductList()
            var model = new List<Product>();
                using (var db = new KOEntities())
                    var product = from p in db.Products orderby p.Name select p;
                    model = product.ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
            { throw ex; }
            return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        public void SaveProduct (Product product)
            using (var db = new KOEntities())
                db.Products.Add(new Product { Name = product.Name, DateCreated = DateTime.Now });


Can't say for sure what the problem is. Could be some bad character, could be the spaces you have left at the beginning and at the end, no idea.

Anyway, you should absolutely never be hardcoding your JSON as strings as you did. Instead the proper way to send JSON data to the server is to use a JSON serializer:

data: JSON.stringify({ name : "AA" }),

Now on the server also make sure that you have the proper view model expecting to receive this input:

public class UserViewModel
    public string Name { get; set; }

and the corresponding action:

public ActionResult SaveProduct(UserViewModel model)

Now there's one more thing. You have specified dataType: 'json'. This means that you expect that the server will return a JSON result. The controller action must return JSON. If your controller action returns a view this could explain the error you are getting. It's when jQuery attempts to parse the response from the server:

public ActionResult SaveProduct(UserViewModel model)
    return Json(new { Foo = "bar" });

This being said, in most casesusually you don't need to be setting the dataType property when making AJAX request to an ASP.NET MVC controller action. The reason for that is because when you return some specific ActionResult (such as a ViewResult or a JsonResult), the framework will automatically set the correct Content-Type response HTTP header. jQuery will then use this header to parse the response and feed it as parameter to the success callback already parsed.

I suspect that the problem you are having here is that your server didn't return valid JSON. It either returned some ViewResult or a PartialViewResult, or you tried to manually craft some broken JSON in your controller action (which obviously you should never be doing but using the JsonResult instead).

Ohhhh, and one more thing that I just noticed that made my eyes bleed:

async: false,

Seriously? Please, NEVER EVER NEVER set this attribute to false. I am seeing people doing this over and over and over and over again. It's outrageous. Guys, if you set this attribute to false you are no longer doing AJAX. You are blocking/freezing the client browser during the entire execution of the request killing all the benefits that AJAX gives you. Just make a normal request in this case. Don't bother with javascript. If you want to do AJAX, then stop thinking in terms of procedural and sequential programming. Start thinking in terms of asynchronous events and callbacks.