在哪里可以下载适用于 Windows 8 的 WPF 性能套件适用于、套件、可以下载、性能

2023-09-06 05:53:05 作者:七瑾年华不负君

此处描述了 WPF 性能套件:

The WPF Performance Suite is described here:


-> 如何在 Windows 8 上安装它?

-> how can I install it on Windows 8?

(无法安装 Windows 7 SDK,并且 Windows 8 SDK 包含 GPUView 等性能工具,但不包含 WPF 分析器Perforator"和Visual Profiler".

(the Windows 7 SDK can't be installed and the Windows 8 SDK contains Performance tools such as GPUView but not the WPF profilers "Perforator" and "Visual Profiler".


I googled several hours for it but didn't find anything.


好的,我让它在 Windows 8 下运行,但 afaik 仅适用于框架 4.

Ok, I have it running under Windows 8, but afaik only for framework 4.


Download the tools (link borrowed from Athari above)

安装并测试.选择视觉分析器并附加到进程.如果它似乎不起作用,请从 MS 下载 此补丁.

Install and it test. Select visual profiler and attach to a process. If it doesn't appear to work, download this patch from MS.

安装补丁后,我现在可以再次使用它.这是在基于戴尔 XPS 17 i7 的机器上运行的 Windows 8 pro 上.

After installing the patch I now have it working again. This is on Windows 8 pro running on a Dell XPS 17 i7 based machine.