Struts2的Autocompleter - 点击提交按钮时,输入丢失按钮、Autocompleter

2023-09-11 00:37:15 作者:神秘嘉宾

我使用的:。 X /文档/ autocompleter.html






问候, Rhodarus





     pcated Struts的2.1

道场插件将被取消$ P $

如果你现在开始,您可以使用生道场(今日 1.10 的版本,而不是旧的,车 0.4.x 的版本带有Struts2的,但它可能会更容易迁移到jQuery的,特别是iwth的帮助 Struts2的-的jQuery插件。



 < SX:autocompleter名=autocompleter1的href =%{jsonList}/>

 < S:autocompleter名称=测试列表={苹果,香蕉,葡萄,鸭梨'}自动完成=FALSE/>

 < SX:autocompleter名=MVC的href =%{jsonList}loadOnTextChange =真正的loadMinimumCount =3/>


进入上autocompleter的文本作为参数传递到的href中指定的URL,像(文本为支柱):的http://host/example/ MVC =支柱

 <形式ID =selectForm>
      < SX:autocompleter名=选择列表={'水果','颜色'}valueNotifyTopics =/更改/>
 < /形式GT;
 < SX:autocompleter HREF =%{jsonList}formId =selectFormlistenTopics =/更改/>

 < SX:autocompleter HREF =%{jsonList}ID =自动/>
 <脚本类型=文/ JavaScript的>
      VAR autoCompleter = dojo.widget.byId(自动);

      VAR键= autoCompleter.getSelectedKey();

      VAR值= autoCompleter.getSelectedValue();

      VAR文本= autoCompleter.getText();

      VAR autoCompleter = dojo.widget.byId(自动);


 < / SCRIPT>

 <脚本类型=文/ JavaScript的>
     //事件:设置event.cancel = TRUE,取消请求
 < / SCRIPT>

 < SX:autocompleter beforeNotifyTopics =/前的href =%{#ajaxTest} />

 <脚本类型=文/ JavaScript的>
     //要求:XMLHtt prequest对象
 < / SCRIPT>

 < SX:autocompleter afterNotifyTopics =/后的href =%{#ajaxTest}/>

 <脚本类型=文/ JavaScript的>
     //要求:XMLHtt prequest对象
 < / SCRIPT>

 < SX:autocompleter errorNotifyTopics =/错误的href =%{#ajaxTest}/>

 <脚本类型=文/ JavaScript的>
 < / SCRIPT>

 < SX:autocompleter valueNotifyTopics =/值的href =%{#ajaxTest}/>

I use:

and the problem is:

When typing:


Autocomplete finds "Balloon"

and in the textfield I see "Balloon" and in the list below also "Balloon". When I click anywhere else on the monitor it displays "Balloon" in the textfield. But when I click submit, I reads "Ball" from the textfield. Why? And how?

Greetings, Rhodarus


First of all, do not use Struts Ajax tags anymore, because:

Dojo plugin is deprecated

The Dojo plugin will be deprecated on Struts 2.1

If you are starting now, you can use raw Dojo (today at 1.10 version, instead of the old, buggy 0.4.x version shipped with Struts2; but it would probably be easier to migrate to jQuery, especially iwth the help of Struts2-jQuery-plugin.

You can see the example of its Autocompleter under the Widgets menu.

BTW, if for some reason you want to stick with the old integrated Dojo version (for example while working on a huge and legacy project only for a minimal correction), ensure you are using it correctly: return a valid Json object, publish and subscribe the right topics, etc. as shown in the example from the documentation:

 <sx:autocompleter name="autocompleter1" href="%{jsonList}"/>

 <s:autocompleter name="test"  list="{'apple','banana','grape','pear'}" autoComplete="false"/>

 <sx:autocompleter name="mvc" href="%{jsonList}" loadOnTextChange="true" loadMinimumCount="3"/>

The text entered on the autocompleter is passed as a parameter to the url specified in "href", like (text is "struts"): http://host/example/

<form id="selectForm">
      <sx:autocompleter  name="select" list="{'fruits','colors'}"  valueNotifyTopics="/changed" />
 <sx:autocompleter  href="%{jsonList}" formId="selectForm" listenTopics="/changed"/>

 <sx:autocompleter  href="%{jsonList}" id="auto"/>
 <script type="text/javascript">
   function getValues() {
      var autoCompleter = dojo.widget.byId("auto");

      //key (in the states example above, "AL")
      var key = autoCompleter.getSelectedKey();

      //value (in the states example above, "Alabama")
      var value = autoCompleter.getSelectedValue();

      //text currently on the textbox (anything the user typed)
      var text = autoCompleter.getText();

   function setValues() {
      var autoCompleter = dojo.widget.byId("auto");

      //key (key will be set to "AL" and value to "Alabama")

      //value (key will be set to "AL" and value to "Alabama")
      autoCompleter.setAllValues("AL", "Alabama");

 <script type="text/javascript">
 dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/before", function(event, widget){
     alert('inside a topic event. before request');
     //event: set event.cancel = true, to cancel request
     //widget: widget that published the topic

 <sx:autocompleter beforeNotifyTopics="/before" href="%{#ajaxTest} />

 <script type="text/javascript">
 dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/after", function(data, request, widget){
     alert('inside a topic event. after request');
     //data : JavaScript object from parsing response
     //request: XMLHttpRequest object
     //widget: widget that published the topic

 <sx:autocompleter afterNotifyTopics="/after" href="%{#ajaxTest}" />

 <script type="text/javascript">
 dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/error", function(error, request, widget){
     alert('inside a topic event. on error');
     //error : error object (error.message has the error message)
     //request: XMLHttpRequest object
     //widget: widget that published the topic

 <sx:autocompleter errorNotifyTopics="/error" href="%{#ajaxTest}" />

 <script type="text/javascript">
 dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/value", function(value, key, text, widget){
     alert('inside a topic event. after value changed');
     //value : selected value (like "Florida" in example above)
     //key: selected key (like "FL" in example above)
     //text: text typed into textbox
     //widget: widget that published the topic

 <sx:autocompleter valueNotifyTopics="/value" href="%{#ajaxTest}" />